From Gerris
GfsInit can be used to set initial conditions for a set of variables.
The syntax in parameter files is:
[ GfsGenericInit ] { V1 = [ GfsFunction ] V2 = [ GfsFunction ] … }
[ GfsGenericInit ] { (U,V) = ([ GfsFunction ],[ GfsFunction ]) … }
where V1
, V2
,… are scalar variables and U
and V
are variables defining the components of a vector field.
It is of course also possible to initialise the components of a vector field individually, however the vector notation is useful in combination with general orthogonal coordinates. In this case, the left-hand-side denotes the vector components in the computational space and the right-hand-side expressions for the components in physical space.
If the scalar variables do not already exist at the time of initialisation, they are created.
- B\'enard--von K\'arm\'an Vortex Street for flow around a cylinder at Re=160
- Vortex street around a "heated" cylinder
- Parallel simulation on four processors
- Starting vortex of a NACA 2414 aerofoil
- Viscous folding of a fluid interface
- Turbulent air flow around RV Tangaroa
- Atomisation of a pulsed liquid jet
- Air-water flow around a Series 60 cargo ship
- Forced isotropic turbulence in a triply-periodic box
- Wingtip vortices behind a rectangular NACA 2414 wing
- Lunar tides in Cook Strait, New Zealand
- Dam break on complex topography
- Small amplitude solitary wave interacting with a parabolic hump
- Shock reflection by a circular cylinder
- Tsunami runup onto a complex three-dimensional beach
- The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- Cyclone-generated wave field
- Convergence of the Poisson solver
- Convergence with a refined circle
- Dirichlet boundary condition
- Convergence of the Poisson solver with solid boundaries
- Star-shaped solid boundary with refinement
- Star-shaped solid boundary
- Thin wall at box boundary
- Poisson solution in a dumbbell-shaped domain
- Convergence of the Godunov advection scheme
- Time-reversed advection of a VOF concentration
- Rotation of a straight interface
- Comparison between explicit and implicit diffusion schemes on concentration tracer
- Estimation of the numerical viscosity
- Estimation of the numerical viscosity with refined box
- Numerical viscosity for the skew-symmetric scheme
- Numerical viscosity for vorticity/streamfunction formulation
- Convergence for a simple periodic problem
- Potential flow around a sphere
- Viscous flow past a sphere
- Mass conservation
- Mass conservation with solid boundary
- Boundary layer on a rotating disk
- Bagnold flow of a granular material
- Poiseuille flow with multilayer Saint-Venant
- Momentum conservation for large density ratios
- Hydrostatic balance with quadratic pressure profile
- Coriolis formulation in 3-D
- Multi-layer Saint-Venant solver
- Wind-driven stratified lake
- Convergence of a potential flow solution
- Flow through a divergent channel
- Potential flow around a thin plate
- Translation of an hexagon in a uniform flow
- Circular droplet in equilibrium
- Axisymmetric spherical droplet in equilibrium
- Geostrophic adjustment
- Geostrophic adjustment on a beta-plane
- Geostrophic adjustment with Saint-Venant
- Non-linear geostrophic adjustment
- Coastally-trapped waves
- Coastally-trapped waves with adaptive refinement
- Gravity waves in a realistic ocean basin
- Oscillations in a parabolic container
- Parabolic container with embedded solid
- Transcritical flow over a bump
- Transcritical flow with multiple layers
- Tsunami runup onto a plane beach
- Lake-at-rest balance in an inclined domain with cut cells
- Lake-at-rest balance in an inclined domain with bipolar metric
- Circular dam break on a sphere
- Circular dam break on a rotating sphere
- Circular dam break on a ``cubed sphere''
- Advection of a cosine bell around the sphere
- Poisson problem with a pure spherical harmonics solution
- Spherical harmonics with longitude-latitude coordinates
- Poisson equation on a sphere with Gaussian forcing
- Gaussian forcing using longitude-latitude coordinates
- Creeping Couette flow between cylinders
- Rossby--Haurwitz wave
- Rossby--Haurwitz wave with a free surface
- Rossby--Haurwitz wave with Saint-Venant
- Dielectric-dieletric planar balance
- Relaxation of a charge bump
- Charge relaxation in an axisymmetric insulated conducting column
- Charge relaxation in a planar cross-section
- Equilibrium of a droplet suspended in an electric field
- Gouy-Chapman Debye layer
- Groundwater flow with piecewise constant permeability
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} {
T = tracer_init(y)
U = velocity_bc(y, 0)
V = 0
Init {} { U = 1. }
Init {} {
T = (x < -0.5 + length ? T0 : 0)
U = T
Init {} { U = FROUDE }
Init {} {
U = cos(y) + sin(z)
V = sin(x) + cos(z)
W = cos(x) + sin(y)
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} {
A_amp = AM2.gts
B_amp = BM2.gts
Init { istep = 1 } {
U = U/(1. + dt*Velocity*4e-4/H)
V = V/(1. + dt*Velocity*4e-4/H)
Init {} {
Zb = x*x/8.+cos(M_PI*x)/2.
P = {
double p = x > 0. ? 0.35 : x < -2. ? 1.9 : -1.;
return MAX (0., p - Zb);
Init {} {
# Parabolic hump
Zb = 0.8*exp(-5.*(x - 0.9)*(x - 0.9) - 50.*(y - 0.5)*(y - 0.5))
# Initial free surface and perturbation
P = (0.05 < x && x < 0.15 ? 1.01 : 1) - Zb
Init {} {
# Initial shock
P = (x <= -1. ? 3.505271526 : 1.)
U = (x <= -1. ? 22.049341608 : 0.)
Init {} {
P = MAX (0., -Zb1)
Init { istep = 1 } {
# Add a "shelf" to simulate the wall on the right-hand-side boundary
Zb = (x > 5.448 ? 0.13535 : Zb1)
# read in the experimental timeseries in variable 'input'
input = input.cgd
# implicit quadratic bottom friction with coefficient 1e-3
U = (P > DRY ? U/(1. + dt*1e-3*Velocity/P) : 0.)
V = (P > DRY ? V/(1. + dt*1e-3*Velocity/P) : 0.)
P = (P > DRY ? P : 0.)
Init {} { D = 0 }
Init { start = 0 } { P = MAX (0., D - Zb) }
Init {} {
P = MAX (0., D - Zb)
Pmax = 0.
Atime = -1.
Init { istep = 1 } {
# elevation of the wet surface
Hwet = (P > DRY ? H : NODATA)
# maximum amplitude
Pmax = (P > DRY && H > Pmax ? H : Pmax)
# arrival time for an amplitude of +- 5 cm
Atime = (Atime >= 0. ? Atime : P > DRY && fabs (H) > 5e-2 ? t : -1.)
# implicit scheme for quadratic bottom friction with coefficient 1e-3
U = P > DRY ? U/(1. + dt*Velocity*1e-3/P) : 0
V = P > DRY ? V/(1. + dt*Velocity*1e-3/P) : 0
Init {} { D = 0 }
Init { start = 272 } { P = (P < DRY ? P : MAX (0., P + D)) }
Init {} { D = 0 }
Init { start = 588 } { P = (P < DRY ? P : MAX (0., P + D)) }
Init {} { D = 0 }
Init { start = 913 } { P = (P < DRY ? P : MAX (0., P + D)) }
Init {} { D = 0 }
Init { start = 1273 } { P = (P < DRY ? P : MAX (0., P + D)) }
Init { istep = 1 } {
# Wind at 10 metres
U10 = ur(x, y, t)
V10 = vr(x, y, t)
Init {} {
Div = {
int k = 3, l = 3;
return -M_PI*M_PI*(k*k + l*l)*sin (M_PI*k*x)*sin (M_PI*l*y);
Init {} {
Div = {
int k = 3, l = 3;
return -M_PI*M_PI*(k*k + l*l)*sin (M_PI*k*x)*sin (M_PI*l*y);
Init {} {
Div = {
double theta = atan2 (y, x);
double r2 = x*x + y*y;
return 7.*r2*cos (3.*theta);
Init {} {
Div = {
int k = 3, l = 3;
return -M_PI*M_PI*(k*k + l*l)*sin (M_PI*k*x)*sin (M_PI*l*y);
Init {} {
Div = {
int k = 3, l = 3;
return -M_PI*M_PI*(k*k + l*l)*sin (M_PI*k*x)*sin (M_PI*l*y);
Init {} {
Div = {
int k = 3, l = 3;
return -M_PI*M_PI*(k*k + l*l)*sin (M_PI*k*x)*sin (M_PI*l*y);
Init {} {
Div = {
int k = 3, l = 3;
x = (x - 0.5)/2.;
y = (y + 0.5)/2.;
return -M_PI*M_PI*(k*k + l*l)*sin (M_PI*k*x)*sin (M_PI*l*y);
Init {} { Div = y }
Init {} {
T = {
double r2 = x*x + y*y;
double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
Init {} {
Init {} { U = y }
Init {} {
T1 = C
Init {} {
U0 = (- cos (2.*M_PI*x)*sin (2.*M_PI*y))
V0 = (sin (2.*M_PI*x)*cos (2.*M_PI*y))
U = U0
V = V0
Init {} {
U0 = (- cos (8.*M_PI*x)*sin (8.*M_PI*y))
V0 = (sin (8.*M_PI*x)*cos (8.*M_PI*y))
U = U0
V = V0
Init {} {
U0 = (- cos (2.*M_PI*x)*sin (2.*M_PI*y))
V0 = (sin (2.*M_PI*x)*cos (2.*M_PI*y))
U = U0
V = V0
Init {} {
U0 = (- cos (2.*M_PI*x)*sin (2.*M_PI*y))
V0 = (sin (2.*M_PI*x)*cos (2.*M_PI*y))
# we need (U,V) to compute the vorticity
U = U0
V = V0
Init {} { Omega = Vorticity }
Init {} {
U = (1. - 2.*cos (2.*M_PI*x)*sin (2.*M_PI*y))
V = (1. + 2.*sin (2.*M_PI*x)*cos (2.*M_PI*y))
Init {} {
U = U0
Phi = {
double r = sqrt (cx*cx + cy*cy);
return U0*A0*A0*A0*cx/(2.*r*r*r);
Init {} { U = U0 }
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init { istep = 1 } { W = W*(1. - dt*V/y) }
Init {} {
# Start with an arbitrary velocity profile, here twice
# Bagnold's solution
U = 2.*UB(y)
# Start with the hydrostatic pressure profile
P = (1. - y)*cos(ALPHA)
Init {} { P = 0.5 }
Init {} { U = T }
Init {} { rho = (cy + 0.5) }
Init {} {
U = U0
V = V0
W = W0
Init {} { P = 1 }
Init {} {
P = 1
DRHO = (z > 0.75 ? 0 : ALPHA/ALPHAT)*P/NL
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} { U = 1 }
Init {} { U = 1 T = 1 }
Init {} { Tref = T }
Init {} { Tref = T }
Init {} {
# e-folding radius = 100 km
# umax = 0.5 m/s = sqrt(200)*exp(-1/2)
P = ETA0*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))*G
U = 2.*G*ETA0*y/(F0*R0*R0)*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))
V = - 2.*G*ETA0*x/(F0*R0*R0)*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))
Init {} {
# e-folding radius = 100 km
# umax = 0.5 m/s = sqrt(200)*exp(-1/2)
U = (5.667583815e-4*200.*y*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)))
V = (- 5.667583815e-4*200.*x*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)))
P = (5.667583815e-4*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)))
Init {} {
# e-folding radius = 100 km
# umax = 0.5 m/s = sqrt(200)*exp(-1/2)
P = (H0 + ETA0*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0)))
U = 2.*G*ETA0*y/(F0*R0*R0)*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))*P
V = - 2.*G*ETA0*x/(F0*R0*R0)*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))*P
Init {} {
U = - vtheta(sqrt (x*x + y*y))*y/sqrt (x*x + y*y)
V = vtheta(sqrt (x*x + y*y))*x/sqrt (x*x + y*y)
Init {} {
P = pwave(cx, cy, 0)
U = uwave(x, y)
V = vwave(x, y)
# Remove the line below when using gerris3D
H = 1
Init {} {
P = pwave(cx, cy, 0)
U = uwave(x, y)
V = vwave(x, y)
# Remove the line below when using gerris3D
H = 1
Init {} { P = 1e-2*x }
Init {} {
Zb = h0*(x/a)*(x/a)
P = MAX (0., h0 + Psi (x, 0.) - Zb)
Init { istep = 1 } {
Pt = MAX (0., h0 + Psi (x, t) - Zb)
Init {} {
Zb = h0*pow(R(x,y), 2.)/(a*a)
P = MAX (0., h0 + Psi (x, y, 0.) - Zb)
Init { istep = 1 } {
Pt = MAX (0., h0 + Psi (x, y, t) - Zb)
Init {} {
Zb = MAX(0., 0.2 - 0.05*(x - 10.)*(x - 10.))
P = 0.33 - Zb
Init {} {
Zb = MAX(0., HEIGHT*(1. - 1./(WIDTH/2.)/(WIDTH/2.)*(x - 10.)*(x - 10.)))
P = 0.6 - Zb
Init {} {
Zb = -x/10.
P = init.cgd
P = MAX (0., P - Zb)
Init { istep = 10 } { V = 0 }
Init {} {
Zb = x/10.
P = 12.1/(100. - 4.*M_PI)
Init {} {
Zb = x/10.
P = 12.1/(100. - 4.*M_PI)
Init {} { P = 0.2 + 1.8*P/LENGTH }
Init {} { P = 0.2 + 1.8*P/LENGTH }
Init {} { P = 0.2 + 1.8*P/LENGTH }
Init {} { T = bell_moving(x*DTR,y*DTR,0) }
Init { } {
Div = -4*(4+1)*spherical_harmonic_re (4, 2, x, y)
Sol = spherical_harmonic_re (4, 2, x, y)
Init { } {
Div = -4*(4+1)*spherical_harmonic_re (4, 2, x, y)
Sol = spherical_harmonic_re (4, 2, x, y)
Init {} { Div = exp(-2.*5.*5.*(1.-cos((y + 90.)/180.*M_PI))) }
Init {} { Div = exp(-2.*5.*5.*(1.-cos((y + 90.)/180.*M_PI))) }
Init { start = end } { Rx = rx }
Init {} { (U,V) = (u0(x*DTR,y*DTR), v0(x*DTR,y*DTR)) }
Init {} {
(U,V) = (u0(x*DTR,y*DTR), v0(x*DTR,y*DTR))
P = p0(x*DTR,y*DTR,0)
# fixme: it would be more logical to set H = H0 and g = 9.806116
H = 1
Init {} {
P = H0 + p0(x*DTR,y*DTR,t)/G
(U,V) = (u0(x*DTR,y*DTR)*P, v0(x*DTR,y*DTR)*P)
Init {} { Phi = (y < 0. ? (y/2.+1/4.) : 3.*y/2.+1./4.) }
Init {} { Rhoe = gaussbell(x,y,0) }
Init {} {
Rhoe = rhoinic*T
C = rhoinic*T
Init {} { Rhoe = rhoinic*T }
Init {} { Phi = Ef*x }
Init {} {
Phi = Volt*(1.-x/5.)
Cpos = 1.
Cneg = 1.
Init {} { k = THETA>-M_PI/3 ? 1 : 0.5 }