From Gerris
GfsSourceViscosity solves the diffusion equation for the velocity (a vector quantity obviously) while GfsSourceDiffusion solves the diffusion equation for a scalar quantity. In the case of a spatially uniform viscosity the two are strictly equivalent since — in the case of an incompressible fluid — the vector diffusion equation for the velocity can be split in independent scalar diffusion equations for each of the Cartesian components of the velocities.
To sum up, using GfsSourceViscosity is safe in all cases, regardless of whether the viscosity is uniform.
The syntax in parameter files is:
[ GfsSourceVelocity ] [ GfsDiffusion ]
where GfsDiffusion
defines the dynamic viscosity of the fluid.
- Parallel simulation on four processors
- Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- Collapse of a column of grains
- Viscous folding of a fluid interface
- Savart--Plateau--Rayleigh instability of a water column
- Atomisation of a pulsed liquid jet
- Forced isotropic turbulence in a triply-periodic box
- Viscous flow past a sphere
- Boundary layer on a rotating disk
- Poiseuille flow
- Bagnold flow of a granular material
- Poiseuille flow with metric
- Creeping Couette flow of Generalised Newtonian fluids
- Momentum conservation for large density ratios
- Hydrostatic balance with solid boundaries and viscosity
- Hydrostatic balance with quadratic pressure profile
- Coriolis formulation in 3-D
- Wind-driven lake
- B\'enard--von K\'arm\'an vortex street behind a cylinder translating in a fluid at rest
- Circular droplet in equilibrium
- Axisymmetric spherical droplet in equilibrium
- Air-Water capillary wave
- Sessile drop
- Creeping Couette flow between cylinders
- Creeping Couette flow between eccentric cylinders
- Flow between eccentric cylinders using bipolar coordinates
- Flow between eccentric cylinders on a stretched grid
- Equilibrium of a droplet suspended in an electric field
SourceViscosity 0.00078125
SourceViscosity {} 0.00313
SourceViscosity {} {
double Eta = MUF;
if (P > 0. && D2 > 0.) {
double In = sqrt(2.)*D*D2/sqrt(P);
double muI = .32 + (.28)*In/(.4 + In);
double Etamin = sqrt(pow(D,3));
Eta = MAX((muI*P)/(sqrt(2.)*D2), Etamin);
Eta = MIN(Eta,10);
// Classic trick: use harmonic mean for the dynamic viscosity
return 1./(T/Eta + (1. - T)/MUF);
} {
beta = 1
tolerance = 1e-4
SourceViscosity (1/Re)
SourceViscosity 1e-2*MUR(T1)
SourceViscosity 2.*radius/Re*rho(T)
SourceViscosity MU
SourceViscosity 1./RE
SourceViscosity 0.2
SourceViscosity 1. { beta = 1 }
SourceViscosity {} {
double In = sqrt(2.)*D*D2/sqrt(fabs(P));
double muI = .38 + (.26)*In/(.3 + In);
return MAX((muI*P)/(sqrt(2.)*D2), 0.);
} { beta = 1 }
SourceViscosity 1. { beta = 1 }
SourceViscosity {} {
double mu, ty, N, mumax = 1000.;
double m;
switch (MODEL) {
case 0: /* Newtonian */
mu = 1.; ty = 0.; N = 1.; break;
case 1: /* Power-law (shear-thinning) */
mu = 0.08; ty = 0.; N = 0.5; break;
case 2: /* Herschel-Bulkley */
mu = 0.0672; ty = 0.12; N = 0.5; break;
case 3: /* Bingham */
mu = 1.; ty = 10.; N = 1.; break;
if (D2 > 0.)
m = ty/(2.*D2) + mu*exp ((N - 1.)*log (D2));
else {
if (ty > 0. || N < 1.) m = mumax;
else m = N == 1. ? mu : 0.;
return MIN (m, mumax);
} {
# Crank-Nicholson does not converge for these cases, we need backward Euler
# (beta = 0.5 -> Crank-Nicholson, beta = 1 -> backward Euler)
beta = 1
SourceViscosity mu(T1)
SourceViscosity 1e-2
SourceViscosity 1e-2
SourceViscosity 10
SourceViscosity 1./400.
SourceViscosity 3.125e-5
SourceViscosity MU
SourceViscosity MU
SourceViscosity 0.0182571749236*MU(T1)
SourceViscosity 0.2/(T + 100.*(1. - T))
SourceViscosity 1
SourceViscosity 1
SourceViscosity 1.
SourceViscosity 1
SourceViscosity Cmu