From Gerris
GfsRiver solves the Saint-Venant equations (also known as the non-linear shallow-water equations) in conservative form. Wetting and drying, hydraulic jumps etc... are handled appropriately by the solver. Multiple layers can be added using GfsLayers.
The default variables are:
- x-component of the (depth-averaged) flux (dimension L^2/T)
- y-component of the (depth-averaged) flux
- fluid depth
- bed elevation
Zb + P
i.e. the elevation of the free surface
The value of the acceleration of gravity is set using GfsPhysicalParams (default to 1).
The syntax in parameter files is
[ GfsSimulation ] { time_order = 2 dry = 1e-6 k = [ GfsFunction ] nu = [ GfsFunction ] dut = [ GfsFunction ] } GfsBox {} ...
where the parameter block is optional. The optional parameters are:
- the order of the temporal discretisation, either 1 or 2. The default is 2.
- the depth threshold below which a cell is considered to be "dry". The default is 1e-6 times the box length scale (
parameter in GfsPhysicalParams). k
- Navier friction coefficient. The default is zero. The boundary condition on the bottom is ∂t
= ... -k
. nu
- for more than one layer (see GfsLayers), the vertical kinematic viscosity. Default is zero.
- for more than one layer, the vertical derivative of the horizontal velocity on the top layer. Default is zero.
Slope limiters
GfsRiver uses slope-limiting to deal with shocks while preserving second-order spatial accuracy away from shocks. By default GfsRiver uses a minmod limiter which is the most dissipative (and hence very stable) in the classical family of TVD limiters. This is appropriate for shallow flows with friction parameterisation (e.g. rivers) but can be overly dissipative for long-wave propagation in deep water (e.g. tsunamis). A better option for such flows is the Sweby limiter which offers a good compromise between stability and dissipation. This limiter can be selected using:
AdvectionParams { gradient = gfs_center_sweby_gradient }
Note also that the overall scheme is stable only for CFL numbers smaller than 0.5 (independently of the choice of limiter).
The scheme can also be made first-order in space by setting gradient
to none
See also
- GfsLayers — Setting the number of layers for a multi-layer Saint-Venant model
- GfsDischargeElevation — Elevation for a given discharge
- GfsSourcePipe — Pipes and culverts models for GfsRiver
- GfsSourceCulvert — Culvert model based on Boyd, 1987
- Karamea flood tutorial
- 11th March Japanese tsunami
S. Popinet - Quadtree-adaptive tsunami modelling
- Ocean Dynamics 61(9):1261-1285, 2011
- Bibtex
Hyunuk An, Soonyoung Yu - Well-balanced shallow water flow simulation on quadtree cut cell grids
- Advances in Water Resources 39:60-70, 2012
- Bibtex
S. Popinet - Adaptive modelling of long-distance wave propagation and fine-scale flooding during the Tohoku tsunami
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences , 2012
- Bibtex
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { PhysicalParams { L = 8. } # Define a 1D domain using cell masking RefineSurface 9 (y - 8.*(0.5 - 1./512.)) InitMask {} (y < 8.*(0.5 - 1./512.)) # Set the topography Zb and the initial water surface elevation P Init {} { Zb = x*x/8.+cos(M_PI*x)/2. P = { double p = x > 0. ? 0.35 : x < -2. ? 1.9 : -1.; return MAX (0., p - Zb); } } PhysicalParams { g = 1. } # Use a first-order scheme rather than the default second-order # minmod limiter. This is just to add some numerical damping. AdvectionParams { # gradient = gfs_center_minmod_gradient gradient = none } Time { end = 40 } OutputProgress { istep = 10 } stderr OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } ke { v = (P > 0. ? U*U/P : 0.) } OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } vol { v = P } OutputScalarNorm { istep = 10 } u { v = (P > 0. ? U/P : 0.) } # use gfsplot/gnuplot for online visualisation and generation of figures OutputSimulation { step = 0.3 } { gfsplot " load 'dam.plot' set title sprintf('t = %4.1f', (t)) plot [-4.:4.]'-' u (x):(Zb):(H) w filledcu lc 3, \ '-' u (x):(Zb) w l lw 4 lc 1 lt 1 set term pngcairo size 800,600 set output sprintf('sim-%04.1f.png', (t)) replot set term wxt noraise " } { format = text } # Combine all the gif images into a gif animation using gifsicle EventScript { start = end } { echo "\rcreating animation... " > /dev/stderr sleep 10 # give a chance to gnuplot to catch up for f in sim-*.png; do convert $f -trim +repage -bordercolor white \ -border 10 -resize 640x282! `basename $f .png`.gif && rm -f $f done gifsicle --colors 256 --optimize --delay 12 --loopcount=0 sim-*.gif > dam.gif && \ rm -f sim-*.gif } }
2 1 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = 0.5 y = 0.5 } { Refine 8 Init {} { # Parabolic hump Zb = 0.8*exp(-5.*(x - 0.9)*(x - 0.9) - 50.*(y - 0.5)*(y - 0.5)) # Initial free surface and perturbation P = (0.05 < x && x < 0.15 ? 1.01 : 1) - Zb } PhysicalParams { g = 1 } AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 } AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-4 cfactor = 2 maxlevel = 8 minlevel = 6 } (P + Zb) Time { end = 1.8 } OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout EventScript { istep = 10 } { echo "Save stdout { width = 640 height = 480 }" } OutputSimulation { start = 0.6 step = 0.3 } sim-%g.gfs EventScript { start = end } { for i in 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8; do echo "Save stdout { format = EPS line_width = 0.2 }" | \ gfsview-batch2D sim-$i.gfs isolines.gfv > iso-$i.eps echo "Save stdout { format = EPS line_width = 0.2 }" | \ gfsview-batch2D sim-$i.gfs cells.gfv > cells-$i.eps done echo "Save stdout { width = 1280 height = 960 }" | \ gfsview-batch2D sim-0.9.gfs hump.gfv | convert ppm:- hump.eps } }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { Time { end = 0.3 } PhysicalParams { L = 5 g = 9.81 } # We use a sphere knowing that in 2D the resulting object will be # a cross-section of the sphere at z = 0 i.e. a cylinder of radius # 0.5 Solid (sphere(-0.5,0.,0.,0.5)) Init {} { # Initial shock P = (x <= -1. ? 3.505271526 : 1.) U = (x <= -1. ? 22.049341608 : 0.) } Refine 9 AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 0.1 cfactor = 2 maxlevel = 9 } P OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout GModule gfsview OutputView { step = 0.0025 } { ppm2mpeg -b 3600K > depth.mpg } { width = 400 height = 400 } depth.gfv OutputView { start = end } { convert ppm:- depth.eps } { width = 400 height = 400 } depth.gfv OutputView { start = end } { convert ppm:- mesh.eps } { width = 400 height = 400 } mesh.gfv }
2 1 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = 0.5 y = 0.5 } { # the domain is 3.402 m X 6.804 m # units for time are seconds PhysicalParams { L = 3.402 g = 9.81 } Refine 6 # maintain the Zb1 variable using the GTS surface VariableFunction Zb1 bathy.gts # the initial water level is at z = 0, so the depth P is... Init {} { P = MAX (0., -Zb1) } # use a Sweby limiter rather than the default minmod which is too # dissipative AdvectionParams { gradient = gfs_center_sweby_gradient } # adapt down to 9 levels based on the slope of the (wet) # free-surface and with a tolerance of 1 mm AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-3 cfactor = 2 maxlevel = 9 minlevel = 6 } (P < DRY ? 0. : P + Zb) # at each timestep Init { istep = 1 } { # Add a "shelf" to simulate the wall on the right-hand-side boundary Zb = (x > 5.448 ? 0.13535 : Zb1) # read in the experimental timeseries in variable 'input' input = input.cgd # implicit quadratic bottom friction with coefficient 1e-3 U = (P > DRY ? U/(1. + dt*1e-3*Velocity/P) : 0.) V = (P > DRY ? V/(1. + dt*1e-3*Velocity/P) : 0.) P = (P > DRY ? P : 0.) } Time { end = 22.5 } OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr OutputTiming { start = end } stderr OutputSimulation { step = 1 } stdout OutputSimulation { step = 1 } sim-%g.gfs EventScript { step = 1 } { gzip -f sim-*.gfs } # output data at probe locations OutputLocation { istep = 1 } input 1e-3 1.7 0 OutputLocation { istep = 1 } p5 4.521 1.196 0 OutputLocation { istep = 1 } p7 4.521 1.696 0 OutputLocation { istep = 1 } p9 4.521 2.196 0 # kinetic energy OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } ke { v = (P > 0. ? Velocity2*P : 0.) } # free-surface elevation OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } p { v = (Zb > 0. ? P : P + Zb) } OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } u { v = Velocity } OutputTime { istep = 1 } balance OutputBalance { istep = 1 } balance # generate movies GModule gfsview OutputView { start = 9 step = 0.0416 } { ppm2mpeg -s 640x480 > monai.mpg } { width = 1280 height = 960 } 3D.gfv OutputView { start = 14.63 end = 19.5 step = 0.033333333 } { ppm2mpeg -s 400x600 > overhead.mpg } { width = 800 height = 1200 } overhead.gfv } { dry = DRY }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { PhysicalParams { # length of the domain (m) L = LENGTH # gravity is 9.81 m/s^2 g = 9.81 # from now on, units have been chosen to be metres and seconds } # use the longitude/latitude metric. x and y coordinates are now # longitude and latitude in degrees MetricLonLat M RADIUS # shift the origin to where we want it MapTransform { tx = LONGITUDE ty = LATITUDE } # 10 hours Time { end = 36000 } # use the terrain module for topography GModule terrain # use the okada module for initial deformations GModule okada Refine 5 # maintain Zb as the terrain elevation defined by the samples in # ETOPO1 # the 'etopo1' database needs to have been created beforehand and # be accessible within GFS_TERRAIN_PATH, see the 'terrain' module # documentation above VariableTerrain Zb { basename = etopo1 } { # preserve lake-at-rest balance (but not volume) when # reconstructing bathymetry reconstruct = 1 } # the default minmod limiter is too dissipative for tsunamis AdvectionParams { gradient = gfs_center_sweby_gradient } # deformation from Grilli et al, 2007, Table 1 # 5 segments triggered at different times # Segment 1 Init {} { D = 0 } InitOkada D { x = 94.57 y = 3.83 depth = 11.4857e3 strike = 323 dip = 12 rake = 90 length = 220e3 width = 130e3 U = 18 } # Initial water level is at z = D Init { start = 0 } { P = MAX (0., D - Zb) } # Segment 2 EventList { start = 212 step = 6 end = 272 } { Init {} { D = 0 } InitOkada D { x = 93.90 y = 5.22 depth = 11.4857e3 strike = 348 dip = 12 rake = 90 length = 150e3 width = 130e3 U = 23 } } # make sure the deformation is well resolved AdaptGradient { start = 212 istep = 1 end = 272 } { cmax = 0.05 cfactor = 2 minlevel = 5 maxlevel = LEVEL } D # add it to the current elevation field (only if wet) Init { start = 272 } { P = (P < DRY ? P : MAX (0., P + D)) } # Segment 3 EventList { start = 528 step = 6 end = 588 } { Init {} { D = 0 } InitOkada D { x = 93.21 y = 7.41 depth = 12.525e3 strike = 338 dip = 12 rake = 90 length = 390e3 width = 120e3 U = 12 } } # make sure the deformation is well resolved AdaptGradient { start = 528 istep = 1 end = 588 } { cmax = 0.05 cfactor = 2 minlevel = 5 maxlevel = LEVEL } D # add it to the current elevation field (only if wet) Init { start = 588 } { P = (P < DRY ? P : MAX (0., P + D)) } # Segment 4 EventList { start = 853 step = 6 end = 913 } { Init {} { D = 0 } InitOkada D { x = 92.60 y = 9.70 depth = 15.12419e3 strike = 356 dip = 12 rake = 90 length = 150e3 width = 95e3 U = 12 } } # make sure the deformation is well resolved AdaptGradient { start = 853 istep = 1 end = 913 } { cmax = 0.05 cfactor = 2 minlevel = 5 maxlevel = LEVEL } D # add it to the current elevation field (only if wet) Init { start = 913 } { P = (P < DRY ? P : MAX (0., P + D)) } # Segment 5 EventList { start = 1213 step = 6 end = 1273 } { Init {} { D = 0 } InitOkada D { x = 92.87 y = 11.70 depth = 15.12419e3 strike = 10 dip = 12 rake = 90 length = 350e3 width = 95e3 U = 12 } } # make sure the deformation is well resolved AdaptGradient { start = 1213 istep = 1 end = 1273 } { cmax = 0.05 cfactor = 2 minlevel = 5 maxlevel = LEVEL } D # add it to the current elevation field (only if wet) Init { start = 1273 } { P = (P < DRY ? P : MAX (0., P + D)) } # we don't want the arrival time to be interpolated from coarse # to fine, so we make it a "boolean" variable VariableBoolean Atime Init {} { P = MAX (0., D - Zb) Pmax = 0. Atime = -1. } Init { istep = 1 } { # elevation of the wet surface Hwet = (P > DRY ? H : NODATA) # maximum amplitude Pmax = (P > DRY && H > Pmax ? H : Pmax) # arrival time for an amplitude of +- 5 cm Atime = (Atime >= 0. ? Atime : P > DRY && fabs (H) > 5e-2 ? t : -1.) # implicit scheme for quadratic bottom friction with coefficient 1e-3 U = P > DRY ? U/(1. + dt*Velocity*1e-3/P) : 0 V = P > DRY ? V/(1. + dt*Velocity*1e-3/P) : 0 } # adapt on gradient of wet surface elevation # with a tolerance of 5 cm AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 0.05 cfactor = 2 minlevel = 5 maxlevel = LEVEL } (P < DRY ? 0. : P + Zb) # also keep enough resolution to resolve the maximum elevation # field with a 5 cm discretisation error max AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 0.05 minlevel = 5 maxlevel = LEVEL } Pmax Global { #define RESOLUTION (LENGTH/pow (2, MAXLEVEL)) #define close_enough(x,y) (distance(x,y,0.) < RESOLUTION) } # include a list of locations for which to output timeseries Include output.gfs # Jason profiles OutputLocation { start = 6900 } jason.txt jason.xy OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr OutputBalance { istep = 1 } stderr OutputTiming { istep = 100 } stderr # save a snapshot every 100 iterations EventScript { istep = 100 } { rm -f snapshot-*.gfs } OutputSimulation { istep = 100 } snapshot-%ld.gfs # output solution on standard output every 20 timesteps # for on-the-fly visualisation with GfsView OutputSimulation { istep = 20 } stdout # ouput solution every 900 seconds (15 minutes) OutputSimulation { step = 900 } sim-%g.gfs EventScript { step = 900} { gzip -f sim-*.gfs } OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } p { v = P } OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } u { v = Velocity } OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } U { v = U } OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } V { v = V } OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } hwet { v = Hwet } # animation of the wave elevation GModule gfsview OutputView { step = 60 } { ppm2mpeg > h.mpg } { width = 800 height = 700 } h.gfv OutputView { start = 7200 } { convert ppm:- eps2:h.eps } { width = 800 height = 700 } h.gfv # animation of the level of refinement OutputView { step = 60 } { ppm2mpeg > level.mpg } { width = 800 height = 700 } level.gfv OutputView { start = 7200 } { convert ppm:- eps2:level.eps } { width = 800 height = 700 } level.gfv # animation of the velocity OutputPPM { step = 60 } { ppm2mpeg > velocity.mpg } { maxlevel = 10 v = Velocity min = 0 max = 0.25 } # animation of the topography OutputPPM { step = 60 } { ppm2mpeg > zb.mpg } { maxlevel = 10 v = Zb } # graphics OutputView { start = end } { convert ppm:- eps2:hmax.eps } { width = 1600 height = 1600 } hmax.gfv OutputView { start = end } { convert ppm:- eps2:hmax-detail.eps } { width = 1600 height = 1600 } hmax-detail.gfv EventScript { start = end } { # timeseries at specific locations gnuplot <<EOF set term postscript eps color lw 2 size 5,2 18 set size ratio 0.4 set output 'hani.eps' plot [3:5]'hanires.txt' u 1:(\$2/100.) w lp t 'observed' ps 2, \ 'hani.txt' u (\$3/3600.):7 w l t 'modelled' set output 'male.eps' plot [3:5]'maleres.txt' u 1:(\$2/100.) w lp t 'observed' ps 2, \ 'male.txt' u (\$3/3600.):7 w l t 'modelled' set output 'gana.eps' plot [3:5]'ganares.txt' u 1:(\$2/100.) w lp t 'observed' ps 2, \ 'gana.txt' u (\$3/3600.):7 w l t 'modelled' set output 'dieg.eps' plot [3:5]'diegres.txt' u 1:(\$2/100.) w lp t 'observed' ps 2, \ 'dieg.txt' u (\$3/3600.):7 w l t 'modelled' set output 'colo.eps' plot [2.5:4.5]'colores.txt' u 1:(\$2/100.) w lp t 'observed' ps 2, \ 'colo.txt' u (\$3/3600.):7 w l t 'modelled' set output 'jason.eps' set xlabel 'Latitude (deg)' set ylabel 'Elevation (m)' plot [-6:20][-1:1]'jasonres.txt' u 2:4 w l t 'observed', \ 'jason.txt' u 3:(\$3 > 19.2 ? 0 : \$8) w l t 'modelled' EOF } } { dry = DRY }
1 1 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { Layers NL PhysicalParams { L = 1. } Init {} { P = 0.5 } Source U A*P/NL EventStop { istep = 1 } U 1e-8 DU # OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr Time { iend = 20 } OutputSimulation { start = end } { awk '{ nl = NL; if ($1 == "#") { for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) { split($i,a,":") if (a[2] == "U0") start = a[1]; } } else { dz = $4/nl; emax = 0.; for (i = 0; i < nl; i++) { z = dz*(0.5+i) u = A/(2.*NU)*(1./4 - (0.5 - z)*(0.5 - z)) eu = u - $(start+i)/dz if (eu < 0.) eu = -eu; if (eu > emax) emax = eu; } print nl,emax } }' } { format = text } } { # vertical viscosity nu = NU }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { Layers NL PhysicalParams { L = RATIO g = 100./RE } Refine LEVEL InitMask {} (y < RATIO*(0.5 - 1./pow(2,LEVEL))) Init {} { P = 1 } Time { end = 1000 } EventStop { step = 1 } U0 1e-9 # OutputTime { step = 1 } stderr # OutputSimulation { start = end } end-RATIO-RE.txt { format = text } # OutputSimulation { start = end } end-RATIO-RE.gfs OutputSimulation { start = end } { awk '{ nl = NL; if ($1 == "#") { for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) { split($i,a,":") if (a[2] == "U0") start = a[1]; } } else if ($1 == RATIO/2**(LEVEL + 1)) { dz = $4/nl; for (i = 0; i < nl; i++) { z = dz*(0.5+i) print $1,$2,z,$(start+i)/dz } } }' > uprof-RATIO-RE-NL } { format = text } } { # vertical viscosity nu = 1./RE # Neumann condition at the surface dut = 1. }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { Layers NL Refine LEVEL InitMask {} (y < RATIO*(0.5 - 1./pow(2,LEVEL))) VariableTracer DRHO PhysicalParams { L = RATIO g = 1./(ALPHA*RE) alpha = 1./(1. + DRHO) } Init {} { P = 1 DRHO = (z > 0.75 ? 0 : ALPHA/ALPHAT)*P/NL } Time { end = 100 } OutputSimulation { start = end } end-NL.txt { format = text } OutputSimulation { start = end } { awk '{ nl = NL; if ($1 == "#") { for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) { split($i,a,":") if (a[2] == "U0") start = a[1]; } } else if ($1 == RATIO/2**(LEVEL + 1)) { dz = $4/nl; for (i = 0; i < nl; i++) { z = dz*(0.5+i) print $1,$2,z,$(start+i)/dz } } }' > uprof-NL } { format = text } } { # vertical viscosity nu = 1./RE # Neumann condition at the surface dut = 1. }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { Time { iend = 1580 dtmax = 1000 } Refine 6 Global { #define L0 1000e3 #define H0 1000 #define G 0.01 #define R0 100e3 #define ETA0 599.5 #define F0 1.0285e-4 } AdvectionParams { gradient = gfs_center_gradient } PhysicalParams { L = L0 g = G } Init {} { # e-folding radius = 100 km # umax = 0.5 m/s = sqrt(200)*exp(-1/2) P = (H0 + ETA0*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))) U = 2.*G*ETA0*y/(F0*R0*R0)*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))*P V = - 2.*G*ETA0*x/(F0*R0*R0)*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))*P } SourceCoriolis F0 OutputErrorNorm { istep = 1 } { awk '{print $3/86400. " " $9; fflush (stdout); }' > e } { v = P } { s = (H0 + ETA0*exp (-(x*x + y*y)/(R0*R0))) v = E } GModule gfsview OutputView { istart = 100 iend = 500 istep = 100 } error-%ld.eps { format = EPS } geo.gfv OutputView { istart = 1500 } error-%ld.eps { format = EPS } geo.gfv EventScript { start = end } { cat <<EOF | gnuplot set term postscript eps lw 3 color solid 20 set output 'geo_error.eps' set xlabel 'Time (days)' set ylabel 'Maximum error on surface height (m)' plot 'e.ref' t 'ref' w l, 'e' t '' w l EOF } }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { # Analytical solution, see Sampson, Easton, Singh, 2006 Global { static gdouble Psi (double x, double t) { double p = sqrt (8.*G*h0)/a; double s = sqrt (p*p - tau*tau)/2.; return a*a*B*B*exp (-tau*t)/(8.*G*G*h0)*(- s*tau*sin (2.*s*t) + (tau*tau/4. - s*s)*cos (2.*s*t)) - B*B*exp(-tau*t)/(4.*G) - exp (-tau*t/2.)/G*(B*s*cos (s*t) + tau*B/2.*sin (s*t))*x; } } PhysicalParams { L = 10000 } RefineSurface LEVEL (y - 10000.*(0.5 - 1./pow(2,LEVEL))) InitMask {} (y < 10000.*(0.5 - 1./pow(2,LEVEL))) Init {} { Zb = h0*(x/a)*(x/a) P = MAX (0., h0 + Psi (x, 0.) - Zb) } Init { istep = 1 } { Pt = MAX (0., h0 + Psi (x, t) - Zb) } # Better convergence rates are obtained at lower CFL # AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.1 } PhysicalParams { g = G } SourceCoriolis 0 tau Time { end = 6000 } OutputSimulation { start = 1500 } sim-LEVEL-%g.txt { format = text } OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL.txt { format = text } OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } ke-LEVEL { v = (P > 0. ? U*U/P : 0.) } OutputScalarSum { step = 50 } vol-LEVEL { v = P } OutputScalarSum { step = 50 } U-LEVEL { v = U } OutputErrorNorm { istep = 1 } error-LEVEL { v = P } { s = Pt v = DP } } { # this is necessary to obtain good convergence rates at high # resolutions dry = 1e-4 }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { # Analytical solution, see Sampson, Easton, Singh, 2006 Global { static gdouble Psi (double x, double y, double t) { double p = sqrt (8.*G*h0)/a; double s = sqrt (p*p - tau*tau)/2.; return a*a*B*B*exp (-tau*t)/(8.*G*G*h0)*(- s*tau*sin (2.*s*t) + (tau*tau/4. - s*s)*cos (2.*s*t)) - B*B*exp(-tau*t)/(4.*G) - exp (-tau*t/2.)/G*(B*s*cos (s*t) + tau*B/2.*sin (s*t))*R(x,y); } } PhysicalParams { L = 10000 } Refine LEVEL Solid ({ double line1 = SLOPE*x - y + 28000./pow(2.,LEVEL); double line2 = - SLOPE*x + y + 28000./pow(2.,LEVEL); return union (line1, line2); }) Init {} { Zb = h0*pow(R(x,y), 2.)/(a*a) P = MAX (0., h0 + Psi (x, y, 0.) - Zb) } Init { istep = 1 } { Pt = MAX (0., h0 + Psi (x, y, t) - Zb) } PhysicalParams { g = G } SourceCoriolis 0 tau Time { end = 6000 } OutputSimulation { start = 1500 } { awk ' function atan(x) { return atan2(x,1.); } function pow(x,y) { return x**y; } { if ($1 == "#") print $0; else { printf ("%g", R($1,$2)); for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) printf (" %s", $i); printf ("\n"); } }' > sim-LEVEL-1500.txt } { format = text } OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL.txt { format = text } OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } ke-LEVEL { v = (P > 0. ? U*U/P : 0.) } OutputScalarSum { step = 50 } vol-LEVEL { v = P } OutputScalarSum { step = 50 } U-LEVEL { v = U*cos (ANGLE) + V*sin(ANGLE) } OutputErrorNorm { istep = 1 } error-LEVEL { v = P } { s = Pt v = DP } } { # this is necessary to obtain good convergence rates at high # resolutions dry = 1e-4 }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = 0.5 } { PhysicalParams { L = 25 g = 9.81 } Refine LEVEL InitMask {} (y < 25.*(0.5 - 1./pow(2,LEVEL))) Init {} { Zb = MAX(0., 0.2 - 0.05*(x - 10.)*(x - 10.)) P = 0.33 - Zb } AdvectionParams { # Sweby seems to work better than minmod for this test case gradient = gfs_center_sweby_gradient } EventStop { step = 1 } H 1e-5 Time { end = 1000 } # OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr OutputSimulation { start = end } { gfsplot " set term postscript eps color solid lw 2 16 set output 'h-LEVEL.eps' set xlabel 'x' set ylabel 'z' plot [5:15]'swashes' u 1:4 t 'topography' w l, \ 'swashes' u 1:6 t 'free surface (analytical)' w l, \ '-' u (x):(H) w p t 'free surface (numerical)' " } { format = text } OutputErrorNorm { start = end } { awk '{ print LEVEL,$5,$7,$9 }' } { v = H } { s = href.cgd v = EH } OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL.txt { format = text } }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = 0.5 } { Global { #define LENGTH 21. #define WIDTH 5.75 #define HEIGHT 0.2 #define Q 1. #define HE 0.6 #define G 9.81 } Layers NL PhysicalParams { L = LENGTH g = G } Refine LEVEL InitMask {} (y < LENGTH*(0.5 - 1./pow(2,LEVEL))) Init {} { Zb = MAX(0., HEIGHT*(1. - 1./(WIDTH/2.)/(WIDTH/2.)*(x - 10.)*(x - 10.))) P = 0.6 - Zb } AdvectionParams { # Sweby seems to oscillate in this case # gradient = gfs_center_sweby_gradient } # Stop when stationary solution is reached EventStop { step = 1 } H 1e-3 Time { end = 1000 } # uncomment this for on-the-fly animation # OutputSimulation { step = 0.1 } { # gfsplot " # set term wxt noraise # set xlabel 'x' # set ylabel 'z' # set xrange [0:21] # set xtics 0,2,20 # set key bottom right # plot '-' u (x):(Zb) t 'topography' w l, \ # '-' u (x):(H) w p t 'free surface' # " # } { format = text } OutputLocation { start = end } { awk -v nl=NL -f uprof.awk > uprof-10-LEVEL-NL } 10. 10.49 0 OutputLocation { start = end } { awk -v nl=NL -f uprof.awk > uprof-15-LEVEL-NL } 15. 10.49 0 OutputLocation { start = end } { awk -v nl=NL -f uprof.awk > uprof-20-LEVEL-NL } 20. 10.49 0 OutputSimulation { start = end } { awk '{ if ($1 != "#") print $1,$8; }' > prof-LEVEL-NL } { format = text } OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL-NL { format = text } } { # vertical viscosity nu = 0.01 # Gauckler-Manning-Strickler bottom friction, G = 9.81 m/s^2, # Strickler coefficient S = 25 m^(1/3)/s. k = (G/(25.*25.*pow(P,1./3.)))*Velocity }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = 0.3333333 } { PhysicalParams { L = 60000 } # Set a solid boundary close to the top boundary to limit the # domain width to less than one cell (i.e. a 1D domain) RefineSolid (MINLEVEL + (LEVEL - MINLEVEL)*(1. - x/50000.)) Solid (y - 60000.*(0.5 - 0.99/pow(2,LEVEL))) # Set the topography Zb and the initial water surface elevation P Init {} { Zb = -x/10. P = init.cgd P = MAX (0., P - Zb) } PhysicalParams { g = 9.81 } AdvectionParams { gradient = gfs_center_sweby_gradient } # Force the flow to stay 1D Init { istep = 10 } { V = 0 } Time { end = 220 } # OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr OutputSimulation { start = 0 } sim-LEVEL-%g.txt { format = text } OutputSimulation { start = 160 } sim-LEVEL-%g.txt { format = text } OutputSimulation { start = 175 } sim-LEVEL-%g.txt { format = text } OutputSimulation { start = 220 } sim-LEVEL-%g.txt { format = text } } { dry = DRY time_order = 2 }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = 0.5 } { PhysicalParams { L = 10 g = 9.81 } Refine 5 RefineSolid 7 Solid (sphere(5.,0.,0.,2.0)) Init {} { Zb = x/10. P = 12.1/(100. - 4.*M_PI) } Time { end = 200 } # OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout SourceCoriolis 0 1.0e-01 OutputScalarNorm { start = end } u { v = U } OutputErrorNorm { start = end } ep { v = P } { s = MAX(0, 0.5 - x/10.) unbiased = 1 relative = 1 } GModule gfsview OutputView { start = end } still.eps { format = EPS } still.gfv EventScript { start = end } { status=0 if awk '{if ($9 > 1e-5) { print "u: " $9 > "/dev/stderr"; exit (1); }}' < u ; then : else status=$GFS_STOP; fi if awk '{if ($9 > 4e-3) { print "ep: " $9 > "/dev/stderr"; exit (1); }}' < ep ; then : else status=$GFS_STOP; fi exit $status } } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary top = Boundary bottom = Boundary }
8 8 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = 0.5 y = 0.5 } { PhysicalParams { g = 9.81 } # Bipolar coordinates. see Metric M { x = 10.*sinh(rx/2. + 1.)/(cosh(rx/2. + 1.) - cos (M_PI*ry/4.)) y = 10.*sin(M_PI*ry/4.)/(cosh(rx/2. + 1.) - cos (M_PI*ry/4.)) } Refine 4 Init {} { Zb = x/10. P = 12.1/(100. - 4.*M_PI) } Time { end = 200 } # OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout SourceCoriolis 0 1.0e-01 OutputScalarNorm { start = end } u { v = U } OutputErrorNorm { start = end } ep { v = P } { s = MAX(0, 1.26 - x/10.) unbiased = 1 relative = 1 } GModule gfsview OutputScalarSum { start = 0 } vol { v = Zb } OutputView { start = end } p.gnu { format = Gnuplot } p.gfv OutputView { start = end } mesh.gnu { format = Gnuplot } mesh.gfv EventScript { start = end } { status=0 if gnuplot <<EOF; then : set term postscript eps lw 2 solid color set output 'still.eps' unset key unset logscale unset border unset xtics unset ytics unset xlabel unset ylabel set size ratio -1 plot 'mesh.gnu' w l lc 0, 'p.gnu' w l lc 1 EOF else status=$GFS_STOP; fi if awk '{if ($9 > 8e-7) { print "u: " $9 > "/dev/stderr"; exit (1); }}' < u ; then : else status=$GFS_STOP; fi if awk '{if ($9 > 3e-4) { print "ep: " $9 > "/dev/stderr"; exit (1); }}' < ep ; then : else status=$GFS_STOP; fi exit $status } } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary } GfsBox { left = Boundary right = Boundary } 1 2 top 2 3 top 3 4 top 4 5 top 5 6 top 6 7 top 7 8 top 8 1 top
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { PhysicalParams { L = 8 } GModule terrain RefineTerrain LEVEL H { basename = terrain,terrain-high } TRUE VariableTerrain T { basename = terrain,terrain-high } Time { end = 0 } OutputErrorNorm { start = end } { awk '{ print LEVEL,$5,$7,$9 }' >> error-t } { v = T } { s = { double r = sqrt (x*x + y*y); return r*r/8.+cos(M_PI*r)/2.; } w = (fabs (x) < 3.8 && fabs (y) < 3.8) relative = 1 v = Et } OutputErrorNorm { start = end } { awk '{ print LEVEL,$5,$7,$9 }' >> error-h } { v = H0 } { s = { double r = sqrt (x*x + y*y); return r*r/8.+cos(M_PI*r)/2.; } w = (fabs (x) < 3.8 && fabs (y) < 3.8) relative = 1 v = Eh } OutputSimulation { start = end } { awk '{ if ($1 != "#") { r = sqrt ($1*$1 + $2*$2); print r,$4,$5,$6,$7; } }' | sort -n -k 1,2 > end-LEVEL.txt } { format = text variables = T,H0,Et,Eh } OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL.gfs }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { PhysicalParams { L = LENGTH } MetricLonLat M 1. Refine 8 InitFraction P (0.2 - acos(cos(x*M_PI/180.)*cos(y*M_PI/180.))) Init {} { P = 0.2 + 1.8*P/LENGTH } Time { end = 0.9 } OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr GModule gfsview OutputView { start = 0.3 step = 0.3 } isolines-%g.eps { format = EPS line_width = 0.5 } isolines.gfv OutputSimulation { step = 0.3 } sim-%g.txt { variables = U,V,P format = text } OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } sp { v = P } # OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout EventScript { start = end } { status=0 for i in 0.3 0.6 0.9; do if awk 'BEGIN { n1 = 0; pi = 3.14159265359 }{ if ($1 != "#") { c = cos($1*pi/180.)*cos($2*pi/180.); d = atan2(sqrt(1. - c*c),c)*180./pi i = int(d*2.) x[i] += d y[i] += $6 n[i]++ x1[n1] = d; y1[n1++] = $6; } }END { for (i = 0; i <= 180; i++) if (n[i] > 0) print x[i]/n[i], y[i]/n[i], n[i]; sum = 0.; for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) { j = int(x1[i]*2.) d = y1[i] - y[j]/n[j]; sum += d*d; } scatter = sqrt(sum/n1); if (scatter > 0.013) { print scatter > "/dev/stderr"; exit (1); } }' < sim-$i.txt > prof-$i.txt ; then : else status=$GFS_STOP; fi cat <<EOF | gnuplot rdist(x,y)=acos(cos(x*pi/180.)*cos(y*pi/180.))*180./pi cdist(x,y)=sqrt(x*x+y*y) set xlabel 'Angular distance (degree)' set ylabel 'Surface height' set xtics 0,22.5,90 set ytics 0,0.25,0.75 set term postscript eps color lw 2 solid 20 set output 'p-$i.eps' plot [0:90][0:0.75]'sim-$i.txt' u (rdist(\$1,\$2)):6 ps 0.25 pt 6 t '', 'prof-$i.txt' w l lw 2 t '' EOF done exit $status } }
1 0 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { PhysicalParams { L = LENGTH } MetricLonLat M 1. Refine 8 InitFraction P (0.2 - acos(cos(x*M_PI/180.)*cos(y*M_PI/180.))) Init {} { P = 0.2 + 1.8*P/LENGTH } Time { end = 1.4 } SourceCoriolis 10.*sin(y*M_PI/180.) OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr GModule gfsview OutputView { start = 0.4 step = 0.4 } isolines-%g.eps { format = EPS line_width = 0.5 } isolines.gfv OutputSimulation { step = 0.4 } sim-%g.txt { variables = U,V,P format = text } # OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout }
6 12 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { PhysicalParams { L = 2.*M_PI/4. } MetricCubed M 8 Refine 8 InitFraction P (0.2 - acos(cos(x*M_PI/180.)*cos(y*M_PI/180.))) Init {} { P = 0.2 + 1.8*P/LENGTH } Time { end = 1.5 } AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-2 maxlevel = 8 } P # OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr GModule gfsview OutputView { start = 0.3 step = 0.3 } isolines-%g.gnu { format = Gnuplot } isolines.gfv OutputSimulation { step = 0.3 } sim-%g.txt { variables = U,V,P format = text } OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } sp { v = P } # OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout EventScript { start = end } { status=0 for i in 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5; do if awk 'BEGIN { n1 = 0; pi = 3.14159265359 }{ if ($1 != "#") { c = cos($1*pi/180.)*cos($2*pi/180.); d = atan2(sqrt(1. - c*c),c)*180./pi i = int(d*2.) x[i] += d y[i] += $6 n[i]++ x1[n1] = d; y1[n1++] = $6; } }END { for (i = 0; i <= 180; i++) if (n[i] > 0) print x[i]/n[i], y[i]/n[i], n[i]; sum = 0.; for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) { j = int(x1[i]*2.) d = y1[i] - y[j]/n[j]; sum += d*d; } scatter = sqrt(sum/n1); if (scatter > 0.015) { print scatter > "/dev/stderr"; exit (1); } }' < sim-$i.txt > prof-$i.txt ; then : else status=$GFS_STOP; fi gnuplot <<EOF set term postscript eps color lw 1 18 set output 'isolines-$i.eps' set size ratio -1 set xtics -90,30,90 set ytics -90,30,90 unset key plot [-90:90][-90:90]'isolines-$i.gnu' w l set term postscript eps color lw 2 solid 20 set output 'p-$i.eps' rdist(x,y)=acos(cos(x*pi/180.)*cos(y*pi/180.))*180./pi cdist(x,y)=sqrt(x*x+y*y) set xlabel 'Angular distance (degree)' set ylabel 'Surface height' set xtics 0,22.5,90 set ytics 0,0.25,0.75 plot [0:90][0:0.75]'sim-$i.txt' u (rdist(\$1,\$2)):6 ps 0.25 pt 6 t '', 'prof-$i.txt' w l lw 2 t '' EOF done exit $status } }
6 12 GfsRiver GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { Global { #define AR 6.37122e6 #define N 4. #define Umax 50. #define M (Umax/(N*AR)) #define K M #define Omega 7.292e-5 #define DTR (M_PI/180.) #define H0 8e3 #define G 9.81 // Williamson 1992, eq. (137) static double u0 (double lambda, double phi) { double cosphi = cos (phi), sinphi = sin (phi); return AR*M*cosphi + AR*K*pow (cosphi, N - 1)* cos (N*lambda)*(N*sinphi*sinphi - cosphi*cosphi); } // Williamson 1992, eq. (138) static double v0 (double lambda, double phi) { double cosphi = cos (phi), sinphi = sin (phi); return - AR*K*N*pow (cosphi, N - 1)*sinphi*sin (N*lambda); } // Williamson 1992, eq. (139) static double vorticity0 (double lambda, double phi) { return 2.*M*sin(phi) - K*sin(phi)*pow (cos (phi), N)*(N*N + 3.*N + 2.)*cos (N*lambda); } // Williamson 1992, eqs. (140-143) static double p0 (double lambda, double phi, double t) { double nu = (N*(3. + N)*M - 2.*Omega)/((1. + N)*(2. + N)); lambda -= nu*t; double cosphi = cos (phi); double Aphi = M/2.*(2.*Omega + M)*cosphi*cosphi + K*K/4.*pow (cosphi, 2.*N)* ((N + 1.)*cosphi*cosphi + 2.*N*N - N - 2. - 2.*N*N*pow(cosphi, -2.)); double Bphi = 2.*(Omega + M)*K/((N + 1.)*(N + 2.))*pow(cosphi, N)* (N*N + 2.*N + 2. - (N + 1.)*(N + 1.)*cosphi*cosphi); double Cphi = K*K/4.*pow(cosphi,2.*N)*((N + 1.)*cosphi*cosphi - (N + 2.)); return AR*AR*(Aphi + Bphi*cos (N*lambda) + Cphi*cos (2.*N*lambda)); } } PhysicalParams { L = 2.*M_PI*AR/4. g = G } MetricCubed M LEVEL SourceCoriolis 2.*Omega*sin(y*DTR) Init {} { P = H0 + p0(x*DTR,y*DTR,t)/G (U,V) = (u0(x*DTR,y*DTR)*P, v0(x*DTR,y*DTR)*P) } Refine LEVEL AdvectionParams { gradient = gfs_center_gradient # gradient = none } # ~24 days Time { end = 2073534 dtmax = 1e3 } # OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr OutputScalarNorm { istep = 10 } v-LEVEL { v = V } OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } ec-LEVEL { v = Velocity2 } # OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } zeta-LEVEL { v = Vorticity } OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } p-LEVEL { v = P } OutputErrorNorm { istep = 10 } eh-LEVEL { v = P } { s = p0(x*DTR,y*DTR,t)/G v = EH unbiased = 1 relative = 1 } OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL.gfs # OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout # OutputPPM { istep = 10 } eh.ppm { v = EH } # OutputPPM { istep = 10 } p.ppm { v = P } GModule gfsview OutputView { start = end } ehp-LEVEL.gnu { format = Gnuplot } ehp.gfv OutputView { start = end } ehm-LEVEL.gnu { format = Gnuplot } ehm.gfv OutputView { start = end } h-LEVEL.gnu { format = Gnuplot } h.gfv OutputView { start = end } href-LEVEL.gnu { format = Gnuplot } href.gfv }