## Density Ratio (rho_f / rho_v)
Define RHOR 1000.0
## Viscosity Ratio (mu_f / mu_v)
Define MUR 100.0
## Archimedes Number
Define Ar 1.0
## Bond Number
Define Bo 5.0
## Domain half-width (WIDTH*Diameter)
Define WIDTH 6.0
## Min/Max Refinement levels 
Define MINLEVEL 4 

Define VAR(T,min,max) (min + CLAMP(T,0,1)*(max-min))
## density
Define RHO(T) VAR(T,1.0,1.0/RHOR)
## viscosity (harmonic mean)
Define MUHARM(T)  1.0/VAR(T,1.0,MUR)

Define MAXTIME 10.0

2 1 GfsAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = -.25 } {

    Time { end = MAXTIME }

    PhysicalParams { L = WIDTH }

    Refine 6

    ## According to my tests, this case runs significantly faster with
    ## the hypre module enabled.
    GModule hypre

    VariableTracerVOFHeight T
    VariableFiltered  T1 T 1
    VariableCurvature K T Kmax

    InitFraction  T ( -(x*x)-(y*y)+(.25) )

    PhysicalParams { alpha = 1.0/RHO(T1) }

    Source {} U -1.0

    SourceViscosity MUHARM(T1)/Ar

    SourceTension T 1.0/Bo K
    AdaptGradient  { istep = 1 } { 
	maxlevel = MAXLEVEL
	minlevel = MINLEVEL 
	cmax = 1e-2
    } T1

    AdaptVorticity { istep = 1 } { 
	maxlevel = MIDLEVEL
	minlevel = MINLEVEL
	cmax = 1e-2 
	cfactor = 1

    EventBalance { istep = 10 } 0.1

    OutputProjectionStats { istep = 10 } stderr
    OutputDiffusionStats  { istep = 10 } stderr
    OutputBalance         { istep = 10 } stderr
    OutputTime            { istep = 10 } stderr

    ## compute bubble volume (needed to compute centroid)
    SpatialSum { step = .1 } bubble_volume T

    ## write bubble position and velocity
    OutputScalarSum { step = .1 } {
	awk '{
	  if (NR == 1) {
	    ## analytical solution (terminal velocity)
	    uex  = (1.0+MUR)/(1.0+2.0*MUR/3.0);
	    uex *= (Ar/18.0)*(1.0-1.0/RHOR)
	    print $3, $5, 0.0, uex;
          else { 
	    print (t+$3)/2., $5, ($5-x)/($3-t), uex;
          t = $3; x = $5;
        }' > xv
    } { v = x*T/bubble_volume }

    OutputSimulation  { istep = 10  } stdout

    GfsEventScript { start = end } {
	gnuplot <<- EOF
			set key bottom right
			set xlabel "time"
			set ylabel "velocity"
			set term postscript eps lw 3 solid 20 colour
			set output "vel.eps"
			plot 'xv' u 1:3 title "computed", \
			       '' u 1:4 w l title "Hadamard-Rybczynski"

GfsBox { bottom = Boundary }
GfsBox { bottom = Boundary }
1 2 right