From Gerris
The GfsAxi solver is the axisymmetric (cylindrical coordinates) version of GfsSimulation; y is the radial coordinate and x the along-axis coordinate. Note that the default position of the center of the reference GfsBox is shifted to (0,0.5) so that the axis of symmetry (y = 0) is aligned with the bottom boundary.
Note that it is important to explicitly set a boundary condition on the bottom boundary of GfsBoxes i.e.
bottom = Boundary
By default the azimuthal velocity (swirl) is zero. The W
variable can be used to add a non-zero azimuthal velocity. The corresponding terms must be added to the parameter file. See the boundary layer on a rotating disk test case for an example.
- Potential flow around a sphere
- Viscous flow past a sphere
- Mass conservation
- Mass conservation with solid boundary
- Boundary layer on a rotating disk
- Axisymmetric spherical droplet in equilibrium
- Scalings for Plateau--Rayleigh pinchoff
1 0 GfsAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
Time { end = 0 }
PhysicalParams { L = 50 }
AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-10 }
Refine 4
Refine (LEVEL + 1./50.*(x*x + y*y)*(4. - LEVEL))
Global {
#define A0 0.5
#define U0 1.
Solid (ellipse (0., 0., A0, A0))
Init {} {
U = U0
Phi = {
double r = sqrt (cx*cx + cy*cy);
return U0*A0*A0*A0*cx/(2.*r*r*r);
OutputErrorNorm { start = end } { awk '{ print LEVEL " " $7 " " $9}' } { v = U } {
s = (dx("Phi") + 1.)
OutputSimulation { start = end } sim-LEVEL.gfs
1 0 GfsAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
Time { end = 100 }
PhysicalParams { L = 50 }
Refine 4
Refine (LEVEL + 1./50.*(x*x + y*y)*(4. - LEVEL))
Solid (ellipse (0., 0., A0, A0))
SourceViscosity 1./RE
Init {} { U = U0 }
AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 5e-2 maxlevel = LEVEL } U
AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 5e-2 maxlevel = LEVEL } V
AdaptFunction { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-2 maxlevel = LEVEL } {
return (fabs(dx("U"))+fabs(dy("U")))/fabs(U)*ftt_cell_size (cell);
EventStop { step = 0.1 } U 1e-3 DU
# OutputTime { step = 1 } stderr
# OutputScalarNorm { step = 1 } stderr { v = DU }
OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL-RE.gfs
OutputLocation { step = 0.1 } {
awk 'BEGIN { t = 2.; oldl = -1.; oldt = 0.; } {
if ($1 != t) { t = $1; x1 = $2; u1 = $7; }
else {
x2 = $2; u2 = $7;
if (u1 <= 0. && u2 > 0.) {
l = (u1*x2 - u2*x1)/(u1 - u2) - A0;
dl = (l - oldl)/(t - oldt);
print t, l, dl;
fflush (stdout);
oldl = l;
oldt = t;
x1 = x2; u1 = u2;
}' > l-LEVEL-RE
} axis
1 0 GfsAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
Time { end = 1.3 }
Refine 6
Init {} { U = 1 }
VariableTracerVOF T
VariableTracer T1
InitFraction T (- ellipse (0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1))
InitFraction T1 (- ellipse (0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1))
AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-3 minlevel = 4 maxlevel = (x < 0.25 ? 6 : 7) } T1
OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 end = 0.8 } srt { v = T }
OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 end = 0.8 } srt1 { v = T1 }
OutputSimulation { step = 0.2 } stdout
EventScript { step = 0.2 } {
echo "Save stdout { format = Gnuplot }"
EventScript { start = 1.2 } {
echo "Clear"
cat vectors.gfv
echo "Save vectors.gnu { format = Gnuplot }"
1 0 GfsAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
Time { end = 0.55 }
Refine (x < 0. ? 7 : 8)
Init {} { U = 1 }
ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 }
ProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 }
Solid (ellipse (0., 0., 0.05, 0.05))
VariableTracerVOF T
VariableTracer T1
InitFraction T (- ellipse (-0.2, 0., 0.05, 0.05))
InitFraction T1 (- ellipse (-0.2, 0., 0.05, 0.05))
AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-3 minlevel = 4 maxlevel = (x < 0. ? 7 : 8) } T1
OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } srt { v = T }
OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } srt1 { v = T1 }
4 3 GfsAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge { x = 0.5 } {
PhysicalParams { L = 3 }
SourceViscosity 0.2
# the block below adds the azimuthal velocity (swirl) and
# associated terms
VariableTracer W
SourceDiffusion W 0.2
Init { istep = 1 } { W = W*(1. - dt*V/y) }
Source V W*W/y
Refine 5
Time { end = 12 dtmax = 2e-2 }
EventStop { step = 0.1 } U 1e-3 DU
# OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr
# OutputProjectionStats { istep = 10 } stderr
# OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout
OutputSimulation { start = end } end.txt { format = text variables = U,W }
OutputSimulation { start = end } end.gfs
EventScript { start = end } {
awk 'BEGIN{ nu = 0.2 } {
if ($2 != 0. && $1 != "#" && ($1*$1 + $2*$2) < 8.0)
print $1/sqrt(nu),-$4/sqrt(nu),$5/$2;
}' < end.txt > nu
if gnuplot <<EOF ; then :
set term postscript eps lw 3 color solid 20 enhanced
set output 'profiles.eps'
set xlabel '{/Symbol z}'
set key center right
plot [0:6]'analytical' u 1:2 w l t '-F({/Symbol z})', 'nu' u 1:2 t 'Gerris', \
'analytical' u 1:3 w l t 'G({/Symbol z})', 'nu' u 1:3 t 'Gerris'
exit $GFS_STOP;
if python <<EOF ; then :
from check import *
from sys import *
if (Curve('nu',1,2) - Curve('analytical',1,2)).normi() > 8e-3 or \
(Curve('nu',1,3) - Curve('analytical',1,3)).normi() > 8e-3 :
print (Curve('nu',1,2) - Curve('analytical',1,2)).normi()
print (Curve('nu',1,3) - Curve('analytical',1,3)).normi()
exit $GFS_STOP;
1 0 GfsAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
Time { end = TMAX }
Refine LEVEL
RefineSurface {return 10;} CIRCLE
ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 }
ProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 }
AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
VariableTracerVOFHeight T
VariableCurvature K T
SourceTension T 1 K
SourceViscosity MU
InitFraction T CIRCLE
Init {} { Tref = T }
AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-6 maxlevel = LEVEL } T
EventStop { istep = 10 } T DT
OutputSimulation { start = end } stdout { depth = LEVEL }
OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } {
awk '{ print MU*$3/(0.8*0.8), $9*sqrt(0.8); fflush (stdout); }' > La-LAPLACE-LEVEL
} { v = Velocity }
OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } {
awk '{ print MU*$3/(0.8*0.8), $5, $7, $9; fflush (stdout); }' > E-LAPLACE-LEVEL
} { v = (Tref - T) }
OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } {
awk '{ print MU*$3/(0.8*0.8), $5, $7, $9, $11; fflush (stdout); }' > K-LAPLACE-LEVEL
} { v = (K - 2.50771) }
OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } {
awk '{ print MU*$3/(0.8*0.8), $5, $7, $9; fflush (stdout); }' > EK-LAPLACE-LEVEL
} { v = (T > 0 && T < 1 ? (K - 5.)/2. : 0) }
1 0 GfsAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
Refine 5
VariableTracerVOFHeight T
PhysicalParams { alpha = 1./(T + 1e-2*(1. - T)) }
VariableCurvature K T Kmax
VariablePosition Y T y
InitFraction T (0.2*(1. + 0.1*sin(M_PI*x)) - y)
SourceTension T 1. K
# SourceViscosity 1./20.*(T + 1e-2*(1. - T))
AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { maxlevel = 6 cmax = 0 } T
AdaptFunction { istep = 1 } {
# adapt down to 14 levels to capture breakup asymptotics and
# only 10 levels after breakup
maxlevel = (t < 0.7455 ? 14 : 10)
cmax = 0.2
} (T > 0 && T < 1)*Kmax*dL
Time { end = 0.8 }
OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } p { v = P }
# we need more precision for the time output
OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } y { v = Y format = "%10.6e" }
OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } k { v = K }
OutputBalance { istep = 1 } balance
OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } ke { v = Velocity2*T }
OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } u { v = U }
# OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout
GModule gfsview
OutputView { start = 0.6 istep = 5 end = 0.7455 } {
ppm2mpeg -s 640x480 > plateau.mpg
} { width = 1280 height = 960 } zoom.gfv
OutputView { step = 0.2 } plateau-%g.eps { format = EPS } plateau.gfv
OutputView { start = 0.7451 } plateau-t0.eps { format = EPS } plateau.gfv
OutputView { start = 0.7451 } zoom-t0.eps { format = EPS } zoom.gfv
EventScript { start = end } {
# set t0 (breakup time) as the time for which the minimum
# radius is smaller than the size of the finest cell: 1/2^14
t0=`awk '{ if ($5 < 1./2.**14) { print $3; exit(0);} }' < y`
rm -f fit.log
gnuplot <<EOF
set term postscript eps lw 3 20 color enhanced
set key spacing 1.5
set grid
set output 'y.eps'
set xlabel 't_0 - t'
set ylabel 'r_{min}'
set logscale
fit [1e-6:1e-3] a*x**(2./3.) 'y' u ($t0 - \$3):5 via a
plot [1e-6:][1./2**14:]'y' u ($t0 - \$3):5 ps 0.5 t '', a*x**(2./3.) t 'x^{2/3}'
if awk '{if ($1 == "rms" && (NF < 8 || $8 > 4e-5)) {
print "rmsy: " $8 > "/dev/stderr"; exit (1);
}}' < fit.log; then :
rm -f fit.log
gnuplot <<EOF
set term postscript eps lw 3 20 color enhanced
set key spacing 1.5
set grid
set output 'u.eps'
set xlabel 't_0 - t'
set ylabel 'u_{max}'
set logscale
fit [1e-6:1e-3] a*x**(-1./3.) 'u' u ($t0 - \$3):9 via a
plot [1e-6:]'u' u ($t0 - \$3):9 ps 0.5 t '', a*x**(-1./3.) t 'x^{-1/3}'
if awk '{if ($1 == "rms" && (NF < 8 || $8 > 8.)) {
print "rmsu: " $8 > "/dev/stderr"; exit (1);
}}' < fit.log; then :
exit $status;
GfsBox {
bottom = Boundary
left = Boundary
right = Boundary