3 2 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
    Global {
	#define radius 1./12.
	#define length 0.025
	#define level 9
	#define Re 5800
	#define R2(y,z) ((y)*(y) + (z)*(z))
	#define rho(T) (T + 1./27.84*(1. - T))
	/* Weber = rhoV^2D/sigma = 5555 */
    Time { end = 1.6 }
    # Initial refinement of the inlet
    Refine (x < -0.5 + length && R2(y,z) < 2.*radius*radius ? level : 5)

    # Define a static field used to enforce the boundary conditions
    # for volume fraction corresponding to a cylindrical jet
    Variable T0
    InitFraction T0 (radius*radius - R2(y,z))

    VariableTracerVOF T
    VariableCurvature K T Kmax
    SourceTension T 0.00003 K
    SourceViscosity 2.*radius/Re*rho(T)
    PhysicalParams { alpha = 1./rho(T) }
    # Use constant (maximum) resolution on the interface
    AdaptFunction { istep = 1 } {
	minlevel = 0
	maxlevel = level 
    } (T > 0 && T < 1)

    # Initialise a short jet
    Init {} {
	T = (x < -0.5 + length ? T0 : 0)
	U = T

    # Dynamic load-balancing
    EventBalance { istep = 1 } 0.1

    OutputTime { istep = 1 } log
    OutputBalance { istep = 1 } log
    OutputProjectionStats { istep = 1 } log
    OutputTiming { istep = 100 } log

    # Use the gfsview module to generate movies on-the-fly and in parallel
    GModule gfsview
    OutputView { step = 4e-3 } { ppm2theora -s 640x480 > jet.ogv } {
	format = PPM width = 1280 height = 960 
    } jet.gfv
    OutputView { step = 4e-3 } { ppm2theora -s 640x480 > back.ogv } {
	format = PPM width = 1280 height = 960 
    } back.gfv

    # Save a (single) snapshot every 100 timesteps
    EventScript { istep = 100 } { rm -f snapshot-*.gfs }
    OutputSimulation { istep = 100 } snapshot-%ld.gfs { }

    # Generate figures
    OutputView { start = end } jet.ppm { format = PPM width = 1280 height = 960 } jet.gfv
    OutputView { start = end } back.ppm { format = PPM width = 1280 height = 960 } back.gfv
    EventScript { start = end } {
	for f in jet back; do
	    convert $f.ppm -geometry 640x480 $f.png
	    convert $f.png $f.eps
	    rm -f $f.ppm
	awk '{if ($1 == "step:") t = $4; 
              else if ($1 == "domain") print t,$3,$5,$9;}' < log > balance
	cat <<EOF | gnuplot
        set term postscript eps color lw 2 20 solid
        set output 'balance.eps'
        set xlabel 'Time'
        set ylabel 'Number of cells per processor'
        plot [0:1.6]'balance' u 1:2 w l t 'Minimum', \
                    'balance' u 1:3 w l t 'Average', \
                    'balance' u 1:4 w l t 'Maximum'
GfsBox { pid = 0 
    top = Boundary
    bottom = Boundary
    back = Boundary
    front = Boundary
    left = Boundary {
	# Pulsed jet on inflow
	BcDirichlet U T0*(1. + 0.05*sin (10.*2.*M_PI*t))
	BcDirichlet T T0
	BcDirichlet V 0
	BcDirichlet W 0
GfsBox { pid = 0
    top = Boundary
    bottom = Boundary
    back = Boundary
    front = Boundary
GfsBox { pid = 1
    top = Boundary
    bottom = Boundary
    back = Boundary
    front = Boundary
    right = BoundaryOutflow
1 2 right
2 3 right