6 12 GfsOcean GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
    Global {
	#define AR 6.37122e6
	#define N 4.
	#define Umax 50.
	#define M (Umax/(N*AR))
	#define K M
	#define Omega 7.292e-5
	#define G 9.806116
	#define DTR (M_PI/180.)

	// Williamson 1992, eq. (137)
	static double u0 (double lambda, double phi) {
	    double cosphi = cos (phi), sinphi = sin (phi);
	    return AR*M*cosphi + AR*K*pow (cosphi, N - 1)*
	    cos (N*lambda)*(N*sinphi*sinphi - cosphi*cosphi);

	// Williamson 1992, eq. (138)
	static double v0 (double lambda, double phi) {
	    double cosphi = cos (phi), sinphi = sin (phi);
	    return - AR*K*N*pow (cosphi, N - 1)*sinphi*sin (N*lambda);

        // Williamson 1992, eq. (139)
	static double vorticity0 (double lambda, double phi) {
	    return 2.*M*sin(phi) - K*sin(phi)*pow (cos (phi), N)*(N*N + 3.*N + 2.)*cos (N*lambda);

        // Williamson 1992, eqs. (140-143)
	static double p0 (double lambda, double phi, double t) {
	    double nu = (N*(3. + N)*M - 2.*Omega)/((1. + N)*(2. + N));
	    lambda -= nu*t;
	    double cosphi = cos (phi);
	    double Aphi = M/2.*(2.*Omega + M)*cosphi*cosphi + K*K/4.*pow (cosphi, 2.*N)*
	      ((N + 1.)*cosphi*cosphi + 2.*N*N - N - 2. - 2.*N*N*pow(cosphi, -2.));
	    double Bphi = 2.*(Omega + M)*K/((N + 1.)*(N + 2.))*pow(cosphi, N)*
              (N*N + 2.*N + 2. - (N + 1.)*(N + 1.)*cosphi*cosphi);
	    double Cphi = K*K/4.*pow(cosphi,2.*N)*((N + 1.)*cosphi*cosphi - (N + 2.));
	    return AR*AR*(Aphi + Bphi*cos (N*lambda) + Cphi*cos (2.*N*lambda));
    PhysicalParams { 
	L = 2.*M_PI*AR/4. 
        # g*H0
	g = G*8e3
    MetricCubed M LEVEL
    SourceCoriolis 2.*Omega*sin(y*DTR)

    Init {} { 
	(U,V) = (u0(x*DTR,y*DTR), v0(x*DTR,y*DTR))
	P = p0(x*DTR,y*DTR,0)
	# fixme: it would be more logical to set H = H0 and g = 9.806116
	H = 1

    ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-9 }

    Refine LEVEL

    # ~24 days
    Time { end = 2073534 dtmax = 1e3 }
#    OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr
#    OutputProjectionStats { istep = 1 } stderr

    OutputScalarNorm { istep = 10 } v-LEVEL { v = V }
    OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } ec-LEVEL { v = Velocity2 }
    OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } zeta-LEVEL { v = Vorticity }
    OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } p-LEVEL { v = P }
    OutputErrorNorm { istart = 1 istep = 10 } eh-LEVEL { v = P/G } {
	s = p0(x*DTR,y*DTR,t)/G
	v = EH unbiased = 1 relative = 1
    OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL.gfs
#    OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout

    GModule gfsview
    OutputView { start = end } ehp-LEVEL.gnu { format = Gnuplot } ehp.gfv
    OutputView { start = end } ehm-LEVEL.gnu { format = Gnuplot } ehm.gfv
    OutputView { start = end } h-LEVEL.gnu { format = Gnuplot } h.gfv
    OutputView { start = end } href-LEVEL.gnu { format = Gnuplot } href.gfv
GfsBox {}
GfsBox {}
GfsBox {}
GfsBox {}
GfsBox {}
GfsBox {}
1 2 right
2 3 top
3 4 right
4 5 top
5 6 right
6 1 top
1 3 top left
3 5 top left
5 1 top left
2 6 bottom right
4 2 bottom right
6 4 bottom right