# Air/water physical parameters
Define RHO_L            998.
Define RHO_G            1.2
Define MU_L             1.003e-3
Define MU_G             1.8e-5

# Initial conditions
Define RADIUS 0.2
Define EPSILON 0.02

# Make sure that volume fraction is between [0:1]
Define VAR(T,min,max)   (min + CLAMP(T,0,1)*(max - min))
Define RHO(T)           VAR(T, RHO_G/RHO_L, 1.)
Define MUR(T)           VAR(T, MU_G/MU_L, 1.)

1 0 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
    Time { end = 1.7 }
    Refine 5

    VariableTracerVOF T
    # Filter the volume fraction for smoother density transition for
    # high density ratios: this helps the Poisson solver
    VariableFiltered T1 T 1
    PhysicalParams { alpha = 1./RHO(T1) }

    # We need Kmax as well as K(mean) for adaptivity
    VariableCurvature K T Kmax
    SourceTension T 1 K
    VariablePosition Y T y
    VariablePosition Z T z
#    SourceViscosityExplicit 1e-2*MUR(T1)
    SourceViscosity 1e-2*MUR(T1)

    # Initial deformed tube (only a quarter of it)
    InitFraction {} T ({
	    x -= 0.5; 
	    y += 0.5; z += 0.5;
	    double r = RADIUS*(1. + EPSILON*cos(M_PI*x));
	    return r*r - y*y - z*z;

    # Adapt according to interface curvature. Make sure we have at
    # least 5 grid points per radius of curvature, up to level
    # 10. Only start after 5 timesteps to ignore transients due to
    # initialisation
    AdaptFunction { istart = 5 istep = 10 } {
	cmax = 0.2
	maxlevel = 10
	cfactor = 2
    } (T > 0 && T < 1 ? dL*Kmax : 0)

    # Remove small satellite droplets (only keep the two largest pieces)
    RemoveDroplets { istep = 10 } T -2

    OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr
    OutputProjectionStats { istep = 1 } stderr
    OutputSimulation { istep = 1000 } plateau-%ld.gfs
    EventScript { istep = 1000 } { gzip -f -q plateau-*.gfs }

    # Generate three movies on the fly
    GModule gfsview
    OutputView { istep = 7 } { ppm2theora -s 480x480 > plateau.ogv } { 
    	width = 960 height = 960 
    } plateau.gfv
    OutputView { istep = 7 } { ppm2theora -s 480x480 > closeup.ogv } { 
    	width = 960 height = 960 
    } closeup.gfv
    OutputView { istep = 7 } { ppm2theora -s 480x480 > white.ogv } { 
    	width = 960 height = 960 
    } white.gfv

    # Generate figures
    EventScript { start = end } {
	for f in white plateau closeup; do
	    echo "Save $f.ppm { format = PPM width = 960 height = 960 }" | \
		gfsview-batch3D $f.gfv plateau-1000.gfs.gz
	    convert $f.ppm -geometry 480x480 $f.png
	    convert $f.png $f.eps
	    rm -f $f.ppm
	cat <<EOF | gnuplot
        set term postscript eps color lw 2 20
        set output 'size.eps'
        set xlabel 'Timestep'
        set ylabel 'Total number of cells'
        unset key
        plot [10:]'< grep domain size' u 3 w l

    OutputTiming { istep = 100 } stderr

    OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } v { v = Velocity }

    # Evolution of the minimum and maximum interface radii
    OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } r {
	v = (T > 1e-2 && T < 1. - 1e-2 ? 
	    (sqrt((Y + 0.5)*(Y + 0.5) + (Z + 0.5)*(Z + 0.5))/RADIUS - 1.)/EPSILON : 0)
    OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } k { v = K }
    OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } kmax { v = Kmax }
    OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } t { v = T }
    OutputBalance { istep = 1 } size
GfsBox {
    top = BoundaryOutflow
    bottom = Boundary
    back = Boundary
    front = BoundaryOutflow
    left = Boundary
    right = Boundary