Define MU 0.01
Define VOLUME (8.*M_PI*M_PI*M_PI)
Define Ubar (SU/VOLUME)
Define Vbar (SV/VOLUME)
Define Wbar (SW/VOLUME)
Define Unbar (Un/VOLUME)

1 3 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {

  Time { end = 300 }

  Refine 4
  PhysicalParams{ L = 2.*M_PI }

  # The initial condition is "ABC" flow. This is a laminar base flow that 
  # is easy to implement in both Gerris and a spectral code. 
  Init {} {
      U = cos(y) + sin(z)
      V = sin(x) + cos(z)
      W = cos(x) + sin(y)

  # Set the viscosity mu
  SourceViscosity MU

  # Calculate the mean flow
  SpatialSum { istep = 1 } SU U
  SpatialSum { istep = 1 } SV V
  SpatialSum { istep = 1 } SW W
  SpatialSum { istep = 1 } Un Velocity

  # Adapt according to the relative error on the velocity field (with
  # a 5% threshold)
  AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 5e-2 maxlevel = 7 } U/Unbar
  AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 5e-2 maxlevel = 7 } V/Unbar
  AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 5e-2 maxlevel = 7 } W/Unbar

  # Calculate -eps = mu * sum_{ij} (partial_j u_i)^2
  SpatialSum { istep = 1 } Dissipation { 
      return MU*(dx("U")*dx("U") + dy("U")*dy("U") + dz("U")*dz("U") + 
                 dx("V")*dx("V") + dy("V")*dy("V") + dz("V")*dz("V") +
                 dx("W")*dx("W") + dy("W")*dy("W") + dz("W")*dz("W"));

  # The mean fluctuating kinetic energy
  SpatialSum { istep = 1 } FluctKinEn {
      return 0.5*((U - Ubar)*(U - Ubar) + 
                  (V - Vbar)*(V - Vbar) +
                  (W - Wbar)*(W - Wbar));

  # Add the linear forcing, subtracting the mean
  Source U 0.1*(U - Ubar)
  Source V 0.1*(V - Vbar)
  Source W 0.1*(W - Wbar)

  # Output
  OutputTime { istep = 1 } log
  OutputBalance { istep = 1 } log
  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = Unbar }
  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = U }
  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } Reynolds.dat { 
      v = 2./3.*FluctKinEn/VOLUME/MU*sqrt(15*MU/(Dissipation/VOLUME))
  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } Dissipation.dat { v = Dissipation/VOLUME }
  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } Energy.dat { v = FluctKinEn/VOLUME }
  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } Vorticity.dat { v = Vorticity }  
  EventScript { istep = 100 } { rm -f snapshot-*.gfs }
  OutputSimulation { istep = 100 } snapshot-%ld.gfs
  OutputSimulation { start = end } end.gfs
  # Generate graphics
  GModule gfsview
  OutputView { step = 0.1 end = 150 } { ppm2mpeg > multiview.mpg } {
      width = 512 height = 512
  } multiview.gfv
  OutputView { start = end } { convert ppm:- multiview.eps } {
      width = 512 height = 512
  } multiview.gfv

  EventScript { start = end } {
      gnuplot <<EOF
        set term postscript eps lw 3 solid 20 colour

        set output 'Energy.eps'
        set xrange [0:300]
        set xlabel 'Time'
        set ylabel 'Kinetic energy'
        set logscale y
        plot 'Energy.dat' u 3:7 w l t 'Gerris', 'spectral.dat' u 1:(\$3*3/2) w l t 'Spectral'

        set output 'Reynolds.eps'
        set ylabel 'Microscale Reynolds number'
        plot 'Reynolds.dat' u 3:7 w l t 'Gerris', 'spectral.dat' u 1:4 w l t 'Spectral'

        set output 'Dissipation.eps'
        set ylabel 'Dissipation function'
        plot 'Dissipation.dat' u 3:7 w l t 'Gerris', 'spectral.dat' u 1:2 w l t 'Spectral'

        set output 'size.eps'
        set ylabel 'Total number of grid points'
        unset logscale
        plot "< awk '{ if (\$1 == \"step:\") t = \$4; else if (\$1 == \"domain\") print t,\$5*8.;}' < log" w l t 'Gerris', 128**3 t 'spectral'
GfsBox {}
1 1 right
1 1 top
1 1 front