# The strange choices for radii R1,R2 and eccentricity ECC come from
# the 'bipolar' variant
Define R1 (1./sinh(1.5))
Define R2 (1./sinh(1.))
Define X1 (1./tanh(1.5))
Define X2 (1./tanh(1.))
Define ECC (X2 - X1)

1 0 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
  PhysicalParams { L = 2.5 }
  # Upper bound on time, it should converge much before this
  Time { end = 100 }
  Refine LEVEL
  Solid (- ellipse (0.,ECC,R2,R2))
  Solid (ellipse (0.,0.,R1,R1))
  ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 }
  AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
  SourceViscosity 1
  # Fixed outer cylinder and rotating inner cylinder (tangential velocity unity)
  SurfaceBc U Dirichlet (x*x + y*y > 1.5*R1*R1 ? 0. : - ay/R1)
  SurfaceBc V Dirichlet (x*x + y*y > 1.5*R1*R1 ? 0. :   ax/R1)
  # Stop when stationnary
  EventStop { step = 1e-2 } U 1e-4 DU

  Global {
      #include "wannier.c"
      double psi (double x, double y) {
	  double p, u, v;
	  psiuv (x, y, R1, R2, ECC, 1., 0., &u, &v, &p);
	  return p;
      double ux (double x, double y) {
	  double p, u, v;
	  psiuv (x, y, R1, R2, ECC, 1., 0., &u, &v, &p);
	  return u;
      double uy (double x, double y) {
	  double p, u, v;
	  psiuv (x, y, R1, R2, ECC, 1., 0., &u, &v, &p);
	  return v;

  OutputScalarNorm { istep = 1 } du { v = DU }
  OutputErrorNorm { start = end } { awk '{ print LEVEL,$5,$7,$9 }' } { v = Velocity } {
      s = {
	  double p, u, v;
	  psiuv (x, y - ECC, R1, R2, ECC, 1., 0., &u, &v, &p);
	  return sqrt (u*u + v*v);
      v = EU
  OutputSimulation { start = end } end-LEVEL.gfs
GfsBox {}