4 3 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
    Global {
        // Parameters
        static double Re = 50;
        static double ReSr = 1.2;
        static double cavity_depth = 1.0;
        static double floor_depth = 0.5;

        // Solver parameters
        static int min_level = 4;
        static int max_level = 8;

        // Density functions
        static double density(double tracer) {
            return 1.0;

        // Velocity distributions
        static double velocity_bc(double y, double t) {
            if (y > floor_depth) return (0.125*(2*y - 1)*(2*y - 1)*(cos(2*M_PI*t*(ReSr / Re)) + 1));
            else return 0;

        // Initial tracer distribution
        static double tracer_init(double y) {
            if (y <= floor_depth) return 1.0;
            else return 0.0;

    # Define the depth of the cavity by filling the region below it
    # with solid. The cavity will be filled with tracer on
    # initialisation. Gerris will remove the cells which are
    # completely solid.
    Solid ({
        return y - (floor_depth - cavity_depth);

    # Specify simulation times
    Time { end = 250 }

    # The viscosity is nu = 1/Re.
    SourceViscosity (1/Re)

    # Initialise the tracer location
    VariableTracerVOF T
    Init {} {
        T = tracer_init(y)
        U = velocity_bc(y, 0)
        V = 0

    # We want adaptivity around the fluid interface
    AdaptFunction { istep = 1 } {
	cmax = 0
	minlevel = min_level
	maxlevel = max_level 
    } (T > 0 && T < 1)

    # We also need to control the error on the velocity field
    AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-2 maxlevel = max_level } U
    AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-2 maxlevel = max_level } V

    # Balance the number of elements across parallel subdomains at
    # every timestep if the imbalance is larger than 0.1 (i.e. 10%
    # difference between the largest and smallest subdomains).
    EventBalance { istep = 1 } 0.1

    # Output of solution information/data
    OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr
    OutputProjectionStats { istep = 10 } stderr
    OutputDiffusionStats { istep = 10 } stderr
    OutputTiming { start = end } stderr

    # use gfsview to generate movies and figures
    GModule gfsview
    OutputView { step = 0.5 } { ppm2mpeg -s 400x300 > viscmix.mpg } { 
	width = 1280 height = 960 
    } viscmix.gfv
    OutputView { start = end } { convert -colors 256 ppm:- viscmix.eps } { 
	width = 1280 height = 960
    } viscmix.gfv

# Default boundary conditions are free-slip & impermeable
GfsBox {
    bottom = Boundary {
        BcDirichlet U 0
    left = Boundary {
        BcDirichlet V 0
    right = Boundary {
        BcDirichlet V 0
GfsBox {
    left = Boundary {
        BcDirichlet U velocity_bc(y, t)
    bottom = Boundary {
        BcDirichlet U 0
GfsBox {}
GfsBox {
    bottom = Boundary {
        BcDirichlet U 0
    right = BoundaryOutflow
1 3 top
2 3 right
3 4 right