2 1 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
  Time { end = 2 }
  # Insert the solid boundary defined explicitly by the
  # triangulated surface contained in the GTS file tangaroa.gts
  Solid tangaroa.gts
  Refine 5
  RefineSolid 9
  Init {} { U = 1. }

  # Adapt only in the first GfsBox.
  # The coarse resolution of the second box acts as an efficient "sponge"
  # layer to dampen any eddy before it exits the domain.
  AdaptVorticity { istep = 1 } { maxlevel = (x < 0.5 ? 8 : 0) cmax = 1e-2 }

  OutputSolidStats {} stderr
  OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr
  OutputBalance { istep = 1 } stderr
  OutputProjectionStats { istep = 1 } stderr

  # Store in SU the integral over time of U
  # At the end of the simulation SU/(Total integration time) = SU/1.
  # is the mean velocity
  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } U SU
  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } V SV
  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } W SW

  # Store in SU the integral over time of U^2 (i.e. the variance)
  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } U*U SU2
  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } V*V SV2
  EventSum { start = 1 istep = 1 } W*W SW2

  # Output simulation on standard output (to be read and displayed by GfsView)
  OutputSimulation { istep = 4 } stdout
  # Sends a command to GfsView to save a 1024x768 PPM image on standard output
  EventScript { istep = 4 } { echo "Save stdout { width = 1024 height = 768 }" }

  EventScript { start = 1.5 } { echo "Save sections.ppm { width = 1024 height = 768 }" }
  EventScript { start = end } {
      convert -colors 256 sections.ppm sections.eps ; rm -f sections.ppm 

  OutputSimulation { start = end } simulation-sum {
      variables = SU,SV,SW,SU2,SV2,SW2
  OutputTiming { start = end } stderr
GfsBox { 
    left = Boundary {
	BcDirichlet U 1
GfsBox {
    right = Boundary {
	BcNeumann U 0
	BcDirichlet P 0
1 2 right