From Gerris
GfsWave is a spectral wave model. See for example Hasselman et al, 1988 and Popinet et al, 2010.
The "wave action" spectrum is discretised in frequency and direction space at each spatial position (two dimensions). The number of frequency and direction "bins" is controlled by the nk
and ntheta
parameters. The default is 25 frequency bins and 24 direction bins. GfsWave then defines ntheta x nk
variables storing the "action density" for each of the direction and frequency bins. These variables are named something like F1_10
where the first number is the index of the frequency bin and the second the index of the direction bin.
In practice these variables are not used directly. GfsWave defines several derived variables:
- the significant wave height,
- the wave energy.
The wave spectrum can be initialised with GfsInitWave.
The physical units are chosen through the value of the acceleration of gravity (which can be changed with GfsPhysicalParams). By default the value of the acceleration of gravity is set to 9.81/1000.*3600.
so that length units are kilometers and time units hours.
The syntax in parameter files is:
[ GfsSimulation ] { nk = 25 ntheta = 24 alpha_s = 0 }
where nk
and ntheta
are the number of frequency and direction bins respectively and alpha_s
controls the filtering strength of the "Garden Sprinkler Alleviation" spatial filtering scheme (see Popinet et al, 2010).
By default GfsWave does not include any source terms in the spectral wave evolution equation. Complex source terms can be added with the wavewatch module.
Hasselmann, S., Hasselmann, K., Bauer, E., Bertotti, L., Cardone, C. V., Ewing, J. A., Greenwood, J. A., Guillaume, A., Janssen, P. A. E. M., Komen, G. J., Lionello, P., Reistad, M., Zambresky, L. - The WAM Model - a third generation ocean wave prediction model
- Journal of Physical Oceanography 18(12):1775-1810, 1988
- Bibtex
S. Popinet, R. M. Gorman, G. J. Rickard, H. L. Tolman - A quadtree-adaptive spectral wave model
- Ocean Modelling 34:36-49, 2010
- Bibtex
See also
Wavewatch module
- "Garden sprinkler effect" in wave model
- Cyclone-generated wave field
1 0 GfsWave GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
Refine 6
# Default time units for wave model is hours
# 120 hours = 5 days
Time { end = 120 }
# Default length units for wave model is km
PhysicalParams { L = 5000 }
# Define some useful functions
Global {
/* gaussian distribution */
static double gaussian (double f, double fmean, double fsigma) {
return exp (-((f - fmean)*(f - fmean))/(2.*fsigma*fsigma));
/* cos(theta)^n distribution */
static double costheta (double theta, double thetam, double thetapower) {
double a = cos (theta - thetam);
return a > 0. ? pow (a, thetapower) : 0.;
# Initialise the wave spectrum
InitWave {} {
/* This function defines the spectral distribution:
* a gaussian in frequency space and
* a cos(theta)^2 distribution in direction space
return gaussian (Frequency, 0.1, 0.02)*
costheta (Direction, 30.*M_PI/180., 2.);
} {
/* This function defines the significant wave height:
* the energy is a gaussian bump in (x,y) space,
* the maximum significant wave height is 2.5
x -= -2000.;
y -= -2000.;
double Hsmax = 2.5;
double E = (Hsmax*Hsmax/16.)*gaussian (sqrt (x*x + y*y), 0., 150.);
return 4.*sqrt (E);
AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 0.04 minlevel = MINLEVEL maxlevel = 6 } Hs
OutputTime { istep = 1 } log-MINLEVEL-NTHETA
OutputScalarStats { step = 12 } hs-MINLEVEL-NTHETA { v = Hs }
OutputSimulation { step = 12 } sim-MINLEVEL-NTHETA-%g.gfs
EventScript { step = 12 } { gzip -f sim-*-*-*.gfs }
OutputSimulation { start = end } end-MINLEVEL-NTHETA.gfs
EventScript { start = end } { gzip -f end-*-*.gfs }
OutputPPM { step = 12 } { ppm2mpeg > hs-MINLEVEL-NTHETA.mpg } { v = Hs maxlevel = 7 }
} {
# Number of discretised directions (default is 24)
ntheta = NTHETA
1 0 GfsWave GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
Refine 4
# Run for 48 hours
Time { end = 48 }
# Domain size is 3328 km
PhysicalParams { L = 3328 }
# Define some useful functions
Global {
/* gaussian distribution */
static double gaussian (double f, double fmean, double fsigma) {
return exp (-((f - fmean)*(f - fmean))/(fsigma*fsigma));
/* cos(theta)^n distribution */
static double costheta (double theta, double thetam, double thetapower) {
double a = cos (theta - thetam);
return a > 0. ? pow (a, thetapower) : 0.;
/* Holland cyclone model */
static double holland(double r, double Rmax, double Vmax) {
if (r < Rmax/1e3) return 0.;
return Vmax*pow(Rmax/r, 2)*exp(2.*(1. - Rmax/r));
/* Position of the center of the cyclone */
double ut = 555./24.; /* km/h */
static double xc (double t) {
return 0.;
static double yc (double t) {
return 1110. - ut*t;
/* Intensity of the cyclone as a function of time */
static double vmax (double t) {
return 50.*(t < 25. ? t/25. : 1.);
/* velocity components */
static double ur (double x, double y, double t) {
x -= xc (t);
y -= yc (t);
double r = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
return holland (r, 100., vmax (t))*y/r;
static double vr (double x, double y, double t) {
x -= xc (t);
y -= yc (t);
double r = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
return - holland (r, 100., vmax (t))*x/r;
# Use source terms from WaveWatch III
GModule wavewatch
Init { istep = 1 } {
# Wind at 10 metres
U10 = ur(x, y, t)
V10 = vr(x, y, t)
# Adapt the mesh according to the error in significant wave height
AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 0.1 minlevel = 4 maxlevel = LEVEL c = Hse } Hs
# Adapt the mesh according to the error in the norm of the forcing wind field
AdaptError { istep = 1 } {
cmax = 0.2 minlevel = 4 maxlevel = LEVEL c = Ve
} sqrt(U10*U10 + V10*V10)
# Output time at every timestep
OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr
# Output simulation size
OutputBalance { istep = 1 } stderr
# Output timing statistics every 100 timesteps
OutputTiming { istep = 100 } stderr
# Output significant wave height to file hs, every quarter of an hour
OutputScalarStats { step = 0.25 } hs { v = Hs }
# Output norm of wind velocity to file vr, every quarter of an hour
OutputScalarStats { step = 0.25 } vr { v = sqrt(U10*U10 + V10*V10) }
# Output simulation to standard output for visualisation with GfsView
OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout
# Output simulation results every 4 hours
OutputSimulation { step = 4 } sim-%g.gfs
# Compress the files to save disk space
EventScript { step = 4 } { gzip -f sim-*.gfs }
# Create movies of significant wave height and level of refinement
OutputPPM { istep = 1 } { ppm2mpeg > hs.mpg } { v = Hs maxlevel = 9 }
OutputPPM { istep = 1 } { ppm2mpeg > level.mpg } { v = Level min = 4 max = LEVEL maxlevel = 9 }
# Create figures at the end of the simulation
EventScript { start = end } {
for i in 12 24 36 48; do
echo "Save hs-$i.eps { format = EPS }" | gfsview-batch2D sim-$i.gfs.gz hs.gfv
echo "Save mesh-$i.eps { format = EPS }" | gfsview-batch2D sim-$i.gfs.gz mesh.gfv
echo "Save shifted.eps { format = EPS }" | gfsview-batch2D sim-48.gfs.gz shifted.gfv
cat <<EOF | gnuplot
set term postscript eps color lw 2 18
set output 'hsmax.eps'
set xlabel 'Time (hours)'
set ylabel 'Amplitude (m or m/s)'
set xtics 0,12,48
set grid
plot 'hs' u 3:11 w l t 'max(Hs)', 'vr' u 3:11 w l t 'max(|U10|)'
} {
# Garden Sprinkler Effect alleviation parameter
alpha_s = ALPHA