1 0 GfsOcean GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
    # Set the timestep to sthg small compared to the tidal period
    Time { dtmax = 1e-2 end = 28.5 }
    # Refine to six levels
    Refine 6
    # We want more accuracy in the projection than the default 1e-3
    ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 nitermax = 10 }
    AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
    Init {} { P = 1e-2*x }
    # Bathymetry
    Solid bath.gts
    # Refine the coastline to 7 levels
    RefineSurface 7 bath.gts { twod = 1 }
    # Non-dimensional gravity
    PhysicalParams { g = 19.62 }

    OutputPPM { start = 2 } { convert ppm:- p.eps } { v = P min = -5e-3 max = 5e-3 }
    OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } k { v = Velocity2 }
    EventScript { start = end } {
        gnuplot <<EOF
            set term postscript eps color lw 3 solid 20
            set output 'k.eps'
            set xlabel 'Time'
            set ylabel 'Kinetic energy'
            set grid
            plot 'k' u 3:5 w l t ''
        if awk '{if ($5 > 6e-12) exit (1);}' < k ; then
            return 0;
            return $GFS_STOP;
GfsBox {
    front = Boundary