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GfsElectroHydroAxi is the axisymmetric version of the electrohydrodynamics solver GfsElectroHydro. It also descends from the GfsAxi axisymmetric Navier-Stokes solver.

The syntax in parameter files is

[ GfsElectroHydro ]

See also

electrohydro module


  • Charge relaxation in an axisymmetric insulated conducting column
  • 1 0 GfsElectroHydroAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
        Global {
            #define R0 0.1
            #define rhoinic 0.5
            #define K 3
            #define E1 3
            #define E2 1
        Time { end = 15 dtmax = 1.0 }
        VariableTracerVOF T
        VariableTracer Rhoe
        VariableVOFConcentration C T
        InitFraction T (R0 - y)
        AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-4 minlevel = 5 maxlevel = LEVEL } T
        Init {} {
    	Rhoe = rhoinic*T
    	C = rhoinic*T
        EventStop { istep = 10 } Ex 0.001
        SourceDiffusionExplicit Rhoe K*T Phi
        SourceDiffusionExplicit C  K*T/(T+1.e9*(1.-T)) Phi
    #    OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr
        OutputScalarSum { step = 1 } {
    	awk 'BEGIN { R0 = 0.1 ; rhoinic = 0.5 ; L =1.0 ; Q = 0.5*R0*R0*L*rhoinic }
    	     { print $3,$5,100*sqrt((1.0 - $5/Q)*(1.0 - $5/Q)) }' > rhoe-LEVEL 
        } { v = Rhoe }
        OutputScalarSum { step = 1 } {
    	awk 'BEGIN { R0 = 0.1 ; rhoinic = 0.5 ; L =1.0 ; Q = 0.5*R0*R0*L*rhoinic }
    	     { print $3,$5,100*sqrt((1.0 - $5/Q)*(1.0 - $5/Q)) }' > C-LEVEL
        } { v = C }
         OutputSimulation { start = end } {
    	awk '{ if ($1 != "#") print $2,sqrt($4*$4+$5*$5); }' > prof-LEVEL
        } { 
    	format = text 
    	variables = Ex,Ey 
        OutputErrorNorm { start = end } norms-LEVEL { v = Ey } {
    	s = (y < R0 ? 0 : 0.5*R0*R0*rhoinic/y)
        OutputSimulation { start = end } result-LEVEL.gfs 
    } {
        # Electric parameters
        perm = E1*T+E2*(1.-T)
        charge = Rhoe
    #    charge = C
        ElectricProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-7 }

  • Equilibrium of a droplet suspended in an electric field
  • 1 0 GfsElectroHydroAxi GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
        Global {
    	#define R0 0.1
    	#define R 5.1
    	#define Q 10
    	#define Ef 1.34
    	#define Cmu 0.10
    	#define F 50.
        PhysicalParams { L = 2 }
        Time { end = 1 }
        VariableTracer Rhoe
        VariableTracerVOF T
        VariableCurvature K T
        SourceTension T 1 K
        SourceViscosity Cmu
        InitFraction T (R0*R0 - (x*x + y*y))
        AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-4 minlevel = 4 maxlevel = 7 } T
        AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 2e-4 maxlevel = 7 } U
        AdaptError { istep = 1 } { cmax = 2e-4 maxlevel = 7 } V
        SourceDiffusionExplicit Rhoe F*((1. - T)+ R*T) Phi
        Init {} { Phi = Ef*x }
        EventStop { istep = 10 } Rhoe 0.001 { relative = 1 }
        # OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr
        # OutputProjectionStats { istep = 10 } stderr
        # OutputDiffusionStats { istep = 10 } stderr
        # OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout
        # OutputTiming { istep = 100 } stderr
        OutputScalarSum { istep = 10 } rhoe { v = Rhoe }
        OutputLocation { start = end } {
    	awk '
    	BEGIN {
    	    R0 = 0.1
    	    Ef = 1.34
    	    mu = 0.1
    	    ep2 = 1.
    	    R = 5.1
    	    Q = 10.
    	    lambda = 1.
    	    factor = R0*Ef*Ef*ep2/mu
    	    theta = 3.14159265358979/4.
    	    st = sr = 0.
    	    sn = 0.
    	function radius(x,y)
    	    return sqrt(x*x+y*y)/R0
    	function vr(x,y,vx,vy)
    	    return (vx*x+vy*y)/(factor*sqrt(x*x+y*y))
    	function vt(x,y,vx,vy)
    	    return (vx*y-vy*x)/(factor*sqrt(x*x+y*y))
    	#  Theoretical velocity profile
    	function vtr(x)
    	    if (x < 1.)
    		return A*x*(1.-x**2)*(3.*sin(theta)**2-1.);
    		return A*x**(-2)*(x**(-2)-1.)*(3.*sin(theta)**2-1.);
    	function vtt(x)
    	    if (x < 1.)
    		return 3.*A/2.*x*(1.-5./3.*x**2)*sin(2.*theta);
    		return -A*x**(-4)*sin(2.*theta);
    	    if ($1 != "#") {
    		r = radius($2,$3)
    		tvr = vtr(r)
    		tvt = vtt(r)
    		print r,vr($2,$3,$7,$8),vt($2,$3,$7,$8),tvr,tvt
    		sr += (vr($2,$3,$7,$8) - tvr)**2
    		st += (vt($2,$3,$7,$8) - tvt)**2
    		sn += 1.
    	END {
    	    print sqrt(sr/sn),sqrt(st/sn) > "/dev/stderr"
    	}' > fprof
        } thetapi4
        OutputSimulation { start = end } result.gfs
    } {
        # Electric parameters
        perm = (Q*T + (1. - T))
        charge = Rhoe
        ElectricProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-4 }
