Wavewatch module installation

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To install the wavewatch module, the source code for WaveWatch III version 2.22 or 3.14 needs to be installed first. Version 2.22 of wavewatch is public domain, whereas version 3.14 is distributed under a license prohibiting redistribution.

To install version 2.22 of WaveWatch III, you need to:

  1. download the source code
  2. follow the installation instructions in the version 2.22 user manual

To install version 3.14 of WaveWatch III, you need to:

  1. agree to the term and conditions of the license
  2. send a "source code request"
  3. download the source code using the user/password you received
  4. compile and install the code following the installation instructions in the version 3.14 user manual

After these steps have been completed you need to reconfigure the Gerris source code and compile and install the Gerris wavewatch module:

% cd $HOME/local/src/gerris-stable
% ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
% cd modules
% make install

bin/comp compiler commands for gfortran/linux

path_obj="`grep WWATCH3_DIR $HOME/.wwatch3.env | awk '{print $2}'`/obj"
opt="-c -g -Wall -Wno-unused -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fPIC"
f95 -J$path_obj $opt $name.$fext > $name.out 2> $name.err

if [ -s $name.lst ]
   mv $name.lst $name.l

bin/link linker commands for gfortran/linux

f95 -o $prog $objects                             > link.out 2> link.err