From Gerris
To install on a debian-based system
% sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.2-postgis
To check that the postgres daemon is running
% ps aux | grep postgres postgres 8550 0.0 0.6 38008 2844 ? S 16:54 0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.2/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/8.2/main/postgresql.conf
User creation and privileges setting (see the postgres manual)
% sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# CREATE USER steph; CREATE ROLE postgres=# ALTER ROLE steph WITH CREATEDB; ALTER ROLE postgres-# ALTER ROLE steph WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword'; ALTER ROLE postgres-# \q
Creation of a spatial database
% createdb my_spatial_db CREATE DATABASE
Enable PostGIS on this database (see the PostGIS manual and the comments in this post)
% sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql my_spatial_db % sudo -u postgres psql -d my_spatial_db -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.2-postgis/lwpostgis.sql % sudo -u postgres psql -d my_spatial_db my_spatial_db=# GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO steph; GRANT
Create a spatial table
% psql -d my_spatial_db my_spatial_db=> CREATE TABLE topo ( randid INTEGER , height REAL ) WITH OIDS; CREATE TABLE my_spatial_db=> SELECT AddGeometryColumn( , 'topo', 'geom', -1, 'POINT', 2 ); addgeometrycolumn -------------------------------------------- public.topo.geom SRID:-1 TYPE:POINT DIMS:2 (1 row)
seems to be required in order for qgis to be able to access the table.
Convert a longitude,latitude,height text file into SQL statements
awk -f convert.awk < file > file.sql
with convert.awk
BEGIN { print "INSERT INTO topo (randid, height, geom) VALUES"; } { print "(" int(rand()*1e9) ", " $3 ", GeomFromText('POINT(" $1 " " $2")'))," } END{ print ";"}
Insert the values in the database
my_spatial_db=> \i file.sql
Create a spatial index
my_spatial_db=> CREATE INDEX topoidx ON topo USING GIST (geom);
Example of spatial queries
my_spatial_db=> \timing my_spatial_db=> SELECT randid, height, AsText(geom) AS geom FROM topo ORDER BY randid LIMIT 10; my_spatial_db=> SELECT randid, height, AsText(geom) AS geom FROM topo WHERE geom && 'BOX(-0.01 -0.01,0.01 0.01)'::box2d;