From Gerris
GfsSolidMoving is used to define moving solid boundaries. It is only valid within a GfsSimulationMoving simulation.
The syntax in parameter files is:
[ GfsSolid ] { level = [ GfsFunction ] }
where level
defines the level of refinement to be used for the moving solid boundary.
The way the moving solid boundary actually moves is defined using GfsSurfaceBc.
- Translation of an hexagon in a uniform flow
- B\'enard--von K\'arm\'an vortex street behind a cylinder translating in a fluid at rest
SolidMoving hexagon.gts { scale = 0.250001 } { level = 7 }
SolidMoving { istep = 1 } cylinder.gts { tx = 0.4 scale = 0.025 } { level = 11 }