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The command line tool gfs2oogl reads a .gfs file created by GfsOutputSimulation and converts it to other graphic-file formats.


 gfs2oogl2D [OPTION] < GFS_FILE
 gfs2oogl3D [OPTION] < GFS_FILE
 gfs2oogl2D3 [OPTION] < GFS_FILE


-u V --iso=V outputs a GTS file isosurface for value V the variable needs to be specified using -c
-f D --stream=D draw evenly-spaced streamlines (D is the spacing)
-I M --dmin=M controls length of evenly-spaced streamlines default is 0.5
-O M --maxcost=M controls compression of streamlines (default is 2e-7)
-b x,.. --box=x,y,.. specify bounding box for streamline calculation
-j --closed outputs only closed streamlines
-p F --profile=F output list of values for coordinates defined in F
-o --mixed output text values in mixed cells only
-L L --level=L use cells at level L only
-i --reinit reinitializes refinement and solid fractions
-e --merged draw boundaries of merged cells
-S --squares draw (colored) squares
-g --gnuplot output gnuplot data
-x VAL --sx=VAL outputs a GTS surface, cross section for x = VAL of the scalar variable
-y VAL --sy=VAL outputs a GTS surface, cross section for y = VAL of the scalar variable
-z VAL --sz=VAL outputs a GTS surface, cross section for z = VAL of the scalar variable
-s S --surface=S outputs the surface defined by file S (or the solid surface is S is equal to `solid')
-V S --vector=S output an OOGL representation of the velocity vector field in the mixed cells
-l F --streamlines=F draw streamlines starting from each point defined in file F
-C F --cylinder=F draw stream cylinders starting from each point defined in file F
-R F --ribbon=F draw stream ribbons starting from each point defined in file F
-r refines the solid surface according to the local resolution
-c V --color=V color according to scalar field V
-m V --min=V set minimum scalar value to V
-M V --max=V set maximum scalar value to V
-v --verbose display statistics and other info
-h --help display this help and exit


Another way to extract the solution data is via the format=text option of GfsOutputSimulation in the .gfs parameter file.
