1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { VariableTracer T { scheme = none } # SourceDiffusion T 1 { beta = 1 } SourceDiffusionExplicit T 1 Solid (-sphere(0,0,0,0.4)) Refine 5 SurfaceBc T Dirichlet 1 # Just checks that it works with hypre GModule hypre Time { end = 0.02 dtmax = 9e-5 } # OutputTime { istep = 1 } stderr OutputSimulation { start = 0.01 } end.gfs OutputSimulation { start = 2.5e-3 step = 2.5e-3 } { awk '{ if ($1 != "#") print sqrt($1*$1+$2*$2),$8; }' > prof } { format = text } } GfsBox {}