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Daily snapshot builds for CentOS are available at:

The simplest way to install and maintain Gerris and GfsView is to use the zypper command.

The first time you install Gerris you need to:

  1. Add the OpenSUSE build service repository to the list of known repositories:
    % sudo zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/popinet/CentOS_CentOS-6/ gerris
  2. (replace CentOS_CentOS-6 with CentOS_5 depending on your version).

  3. Refresh the list of known packages:
    % sudo zypper refresh
  4. Install Gerris, GfsView and all the required dependencies:
    % sudo zypper install gerris-snapshot gfsview-snapshot

If you want to upgrade Gerris and GfsView manually to the latest release, you can then do so using:

% sudo zypper refresh
% sudo zypper update gerris-snapshot gerris-snapshot-devel gts-snapshot gts-snapshot-devel gfsview-snapshot

Note that it is a good idea to maintain Gerris up-to-date, as bug fixes are released often. A simple way to do this automatically is to install the 'gerris-updater' packages which will run the command above once daily:

% sudo zypper install gerris-updater

Note on openmpi configuration on CentOS 5

The package provided by CentOS for openmpi (used for the parallel version of Gerris) does not configure openmpi by default (this is really a bug in the package). In order to be able to use Gerris (or any other program linked with openmpi), one needs to manually configure MPI once on the system. This should be done using the mpi-selector command.
