From Gerris
Contents |
Ideas for chapters
- chaos par doublement de periode: allee de Von Karman
- stabilite lineaire: solution de base de Jerome
- bifurcations
- autosimilarite: pincement de Plateau--Rayleigh
- turbulence 2D: vortex merging, random vorticity, turbulence cascades
- non-newtonian rheology: granular materials, blood circulation
- ondes de gravite, chocs: Saint-Venant, tsunamis, analogie avec Euler compressible
- liquid rope: Stokes flows, fluids as solids, flambement
- shallow-water on a rotating spere: ondes de Rossby, atmospheric modes
- jets in bubbles: tension de surface
- retraction of a liquid sheet
- fluid-structure interaction: peristaltic pump, links with biomechanics etc...
Random thoughts
- experimental pictures
- fluids are everywhere
- strong link between physical and numerical experiments
- pick (cool) examples which illustrate key concepts from physics
- need to find a good storyline linking each example in a consistent overall narrative i.e. this is a book not a set of disconnected "web pages"
- need to be fun but also make the reader work ("les mains a la pate")
- this is one of the key point: a science book which comes with everyting required to setup and run the experiments
- this is also related to reusing concepts introduced early in the book in latter chapters: progression simple -> complex
- keep the Gerris interactive part as simple as possible (GUI? robustness? portability? windows/mac, web app?)
- Seek Marsden funding?
- UPMC funding? (link with IDA-NIWA agrrement)
Typical layout of a chapter
- intro: the question/problem etc...
- historical perspective
- experimental results/cool pictures
- numerical experiment setup
- hypothesis (simple)
- testing it with the numerical experiment
- hypothesis (refined)
- testing the refined version of the theory
- openings: what is not so well understood yet, what isn't understood at all
- introduction to further reading
- references
Overall contents
- intro
- how to use the book: shortest as possible intro to using Gerris for the numerical experiments
- 10 chapters, 15 (not dense) pages each
- conclusion!
- < 150 pages
Maybe write more than 10 chapters and select the 10 best ones...
Must it follow a teaching book? (students = future users)
Models to follow? (Hulin "Hydrodynamics"
Could involve many authors (i.e. one or more for each chapter) but ultimately each chapter should be rewritten by a few (one?) author to give a very consistent "book" feel (style etc...). We don't want one of these multi-authors "proceedings" book. Need to agree on this from the outset (chapter authors still need to feel "ownership" of their chapters even though it's largely rewritten in the end).
- PDF can include movies, scripts, web links, 3D models, sound etc... exploiting this we could have a portable multimedia book (but still printable).
- See Guardian article by Marcus du Sautoy
- Include lots of supporting material (web links) for the more technical aspects (e.g. scripting, Gerris stuff etc...)
- free PDF
- proper paper version + proper publisher
- test the draft book on colleagues and students
- test on e-books
- may need somebody who masters web applications etc...